
Library for resolving a Domain types out of a F# script (.fsx) file(s).

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT

Domain Resolver

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Library for resolving a Domain types out of a F# script (.fsx) file(s).


The process of this use-case is a collecting interactions by the users.

User interacts with the GenericService, which sends an interaction to the interaction collector service. Interaction collector service identify a person and accepts an interaction.

It is just a simplified real-life process.

Note: All files are in the example dir.


// Common types

type Id = UUID

type Stream<'Event> = Stream of 'Event list
type StreamHandler<'Event> = StreamHandler of ('Event -> unit)

// Types

type InteractionEvent =
    | Confirmation
    | Rejection

type InteractionResult =
    | Accepted
    | Error

type IdentityMatchingSet = {
    Contact: Contact

and Contact = {
    Email: Email option
    Phone: Phone option

and Email = Email of string
and Phone = Phone of string

type Person =
    | Known of PersonId
    | Unknown

and PersonId = PersonId of Id

// Streams

type InteractionCollectorStream = InteractionCollectorStream of Stream<InteractionEvent>

// Services

type GenericService = Initiator

type InteractionCollector = {
    PostInteraction: InteractionEvent -> InteractionResult

type PersonIdentificationEngine = {
    OnInteractionEvent: StreamHandler<InteractionEvent>

type PersonAggregate = {
    IdentifyPerson: IdentityMatchingSet -> Person

type ConsentManager = {
    GenericService: GenericService
    InteractionCollector: InteractionCollector


First run:

./build.sh  # or build.cmd if your OS is Windows  (might need ./build Build here)

Everything is done via build.cmd \ build.sh (for later on, lets call it just build).

  • to run a specific target use build -t <target>