- 2
Styling the Widget
#674 opened by mbaytas - 1
`fullScreen` adds `overflow: hidden` to the body tag, which is not removed on page navigation
#673 opened by steve-marmalade - 10
- 3
Request ID should be sometimes undefined
#662 opened by jkjustjoshing - 5
Can't export createWidget in Vite 5
#667 opened by skinofstars - 3
- 8
- 1
React `Widget` component does not properly transition from welcome to the next form
#663 opened by Aerophite - 1
- 2
- 6
Typescript: type issue with components ref
#653 opened by TommyBacco - 1
- 3
NextJS Typeform Embedding
#649 opened by SohamNagi - 0
HubSpot tracking option documentation missing
#651 opened by eliottparis - 5
Embedding within a cross origin isolated document
#650 opened by tareqdayya - 4
Missing react types for 4 of the components
#643 opened by Multiply - 4
Enable pre-loading of a typeform
#625 opened by shravanikandadai - 10
Get answers for an embedded form without server side APIs / access tokens
#637 opened by binarymonkey84 - 3
Modal close button needs accessible label
#635 opened by yvonnetangsu - 2
- 1
Preview API for the individual response?
#630 opened by isaacdarcilla - 0
- 3
Integration with Expo and React native?
#618 opened by GuilhermeGuiuler - 3
Raise on incorrect argument types
#601 opened by pehrlich2 - 2
- 5
Dynamic set height of Popover content area
#583 opened by lbustelo - 2
Option for non minified source code in docs
#600 opened by pehrlich2 - 1
Adding an SVG inside the PopupButton component results in a error when any page interaction happens
#604 opened by bridie - 2
Text input loses focus on android devices
#614 opened by josipMocha - 0
📢 Important Announcement: Discontinuation of Chat UI 📢
#581 opened by mathio - 5
[Android Device] For Widget component, when keyboard shows up, it refreshes entire Typeform Widget
#611 opened by scy0334 - 0
- 0
test bot
#607 opened by leandro-serafim - 2
- 0
second test
#606 opened by mathio - 2
Correct usage of "container"?
#602 opened by pehrlich2 - 2
No accessibility implementation
#578 opened by leandrostaycity - 6
Cannot detect ending screen
#584 opened by elbro - 3
Incorrect Typeform types for onSubmit
#577 opened by AaronLayton - 6
shareGaInstance not working with NextJs
#588 opened by elbro - 3
Integration with React Native?
#563 opened by ClaudionorJunior - 2
@typeform/embed-react does not work with Next.js
#585 opened by frank-lsf - 1
Broken link to popup.css file in HTML demo
#575 opened by mrnmilutinovic - 7
How to open Typeform on Webview Android
#543 opened by argaasasta - 1
Need the ability to disable save partial completion
#557 opened by geoguide - 2
- 2
[Question]: Typeform embed react - on submit
#529 opened by malatinigreenly - 7
Hidden fields missing
#524 opened by joshharington - 2
- 1
A11Y issue with embed not having a title
#522 opened by claudialigidakis