
Realtime multiplayer game, the man with the boom.

Primary LanguageC++


A multiplayer Bomberman-style game called "Boomerman" using the Raylib game development library for graphics and Protocol Buffers for message interchange between game clients and the server. This repository also has a test client written in golang.


  • Raylib: Handles game graphics, input, and rendering.
  • Protocol Buffers: Defines message formats for communication between clients and the server.

High-level architecture:

  • Game Server: Manages game logic, state, and client communication using Protocol Buffers.
  • Game Clients: Communicate with the server for game updates and display state using Raylib.


  • Clients connect to the server and send/receive messages using Protocol Buffers.
  • Server processes messages, updates game state, and sends updates to clients.
  • Clients render game state using Raylib based on received data.


  • Networking: Appropriate use of sockets for client-server communication.
  • Game Logic: Implement Bomberman-style game rules on the server side.
  • Serialization: Use Protocol Buffers for efficient message serialization/deserialization. This is the choice because it enhances rapid iteration - we do not need to reimplement different encoders and decoders for message types.

Build & Run



  • cmake
  • boost, specifically log and log_setup
  • protobuf
  • protobuf development headers
  • C++ compiler


mkdir game/src/shared/proto
protoc --proto_path=$PWD/proto --cpp_out=$PWD/game/src/shared/proto $PWD/proto/messages.proto
cd game && mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j$(nproc)
./boomberman server # (or client, depending on what you need)

Test client


  • go
  • protobuf


mkdir test-client/pb
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
protoc --proto_path=$PWD/proto --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go_out=$PWD/test-client/pb $PWD/proto/messages.proto
cd test-client
go run .