
CarNage - v 0.1

General Description

Play a taxi company competing for the transportation monopoly over the city. Drive citizens across town and buy new cars to build you four wheeled empire but beware of gridlocks and running out of money.

Number of players : 2 players ( can be tweaked for three or four ) Game Duration : ~20 minutes


  • 1 board
  • 1 dice
  • 16 commuters tokens
  • 16 spawn cards
  • 40 money tokens
  • 4 cars of each color

A print and play version can be downloaded below in the links section.

Game Setup

  • Every players chooses a HQ on the map and puts one car on it
  • 2 citizens are spawned over the town ( refer to * Spawning Commuters * but skip the dice roll part)



During your turn you can move every car you have. For each car you can take customers onboard, drop them off and/or move the car. You can do so in any order you wish and you can even drop or take multiple customers at the same time but you can only use each action once (ie : you can drop one customer, move the car and take two onboard but you cannot take one, move the car, drop him and take another one). Taking customers onboard or dropping them off can be done from either side of the street.

At the end of your turn you must spawn a commuter following the rules defined in the * Spawning Commuters * section. You also have to give back 1$ per car you own to the bank.

Taking Commuters onboard

When you take a commuter onboard, he pays upfront. The price for the ride is twice the number of blocks between where he is and his destination.

Dropping off commuters

When you drop a client, you do not gain any money ( he already payed upfront ). However you can add one to the number of passengers you took care off ( a piece of paper can do the trick for the book keeping). If he was you seventh passenger then you win and the game ends. If not, you spawn another commuter following the rules in the * Commuters Spawning * section.


A car can move to each one of the six adjacent streets if no other car is present on it.


At any time during your turn you can buy a car for 10 $. You place it on your Taxi HQ ( if none is already present ) and will be unable to move it until the next turn.

At the end of each of your turn you loose 1$ per car your own ( exccept the one you just bought ).

Cars can each fit up to two passengers.

Commuters Spawning

Each time you need to spawn a commuter, you first have to roll the dice. The result will decide if a commuter really spawns or not. If you spawn a commuter because you just dropped one off, 1,2 or 3 will make a new one appear. If you spanw the commuter at the end of your turn 1 or 2 will make a new one appear.

If a commuter has to spawn, randomly draw a spawn card and a commuter token and place the commuter token according to the spawn card.

Put back the spawn card in the deck and shuffle it.

End Conditions

The first player to successfully drop off 7 commuters or to buy 4 cars wins.

If during its turn a player cannot move any of his cars or ends his turn with 0$, he loses.

If more than 10 commuters are present on the board ( those in the players cars do not count ) for more than one turn, everybody loses.

Additional information

The game can surely be played with 3 or more players but you'll have to adapt the rules yourself for now. We do plan to make a more flexible version of the game but it will be after the Ludum Dare.


** Carnage ** was made monday evening in ~4/5h by yours truly : KerDelos ( Game Design & Rules ) and Tyrannas ( Game Design & Illustrations )

We hope you'll forgive us if this version is a bit rough, we'll try to make a more polished post jam version of the game. As always, every feedback is appreciated, be it positive or negative.