Python test

This test is designed to help us assess your level of knowledge in the areas of Python, APIs and UI. It's based on FastAPI.

Technologies to be used

  • Python incl. all available libraries and frameworks
  • JavaScript incl. all available libraries and frameworks
  • HTML


  • Create a fork of this repository
  • Run the FastAPI development server (uvicorn main:app --reload) and access http://localhost:8000/
  • Use a sans-serif font family for the template
  • Align the boxes, so that they are in the right order
  • Add some space between the boxes and try to center the whole thing
  • There's an API available in this project. Do you know where to find it?
  • Are you able to consume it in the template (using JavaScript) to use its response data to render the boxes?


  • You have 45 minutes to do this
  • Use the already created FastAPI project


  • There is no sample solution here
  • First and foremost, functionality, clean code and speed are important