- 2
YoutubeExplode.Exceptions.VideoUnavailableException: Video '5jv2S7BjUf8' is not available.
#837 opened by Dopamax - 6
- 3
Crashes when fetching videos from channel which are having upcoming or premiering videos
#831 opened by SP-XD - 30
- 3
- 7
- 3
Video is unplayable. Reason: 'Please sign in'
#834 opened by johanolofsson72 - 4
Unable to fetch stream using GetMuxedStreams
#833 opened by apreet81 - 1
Crashing in my app
#828 opened by TariqAlsunaydih - 1
Input stream collection is empty
#822 opened by Zent01 - 1
- 8
- 3
Closed captions not returned for video udfEVj4a9to
#814 opened by mikethea1 - 5
500 error when calling GetManifestAsync
#782 opened by krispy52 - 9
- 32
HttpRequestException: 403 (Forbidden)
#817 opened by cata76 - 2
- 1
Getting error Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot
#815 opened by Metinak47 - 4
- 6
- 6
Watch page is broken please try again in few minutes
#812 opened by Zent01 - 1
request when hosted in cloud
#805 opened by alramostpt - 2
- 4
- 3
Can't retrieve Muxed 720p quality in any video
#797 opened by muhamedRadwan - 4
YoutubeExplode.Exceptions.YoutubeExplodeException: Channel page is broken. Please try again in a few minutes.
#793 opened by MistressPlague - 31
Video downloads, but only audio, no video
#777 opened by MrYossu - 0
- 0
Search not working with query string in Hebrew
#787 opened by razper - 9
GetManifestAsync silent crash on Android
#752 opened by Speed258 - 4
Searching fails when encountering pay-to-watch videos
#774 opened by pvogt - 6
Getting `System.Net.CookieException` on some requests
#762 opened by tjvxh - 0
Invalid Youtube Video ID or URL error
#764 opened by manusoft - 4
Some streams can return 404
#759 opened by Tyrrrz - 0
Closed captions that contain invalid offsets and/or durations break when processing with FFmpeg
#756 opened by Tyrrrz - 1
Closed captions that erroneously contain valid SRT segments within them break when processing with FFmpeg
#755 opened by Tyrrrz - 1
YoutubeExplode failed to fetch video
#754 opened by YT-Advanced - 0
- 0
Streams are sometimes unstable
#745 opened by Mrgaton - 13
Occasionally streams just dies
#744 opened by Mrgaton - 1
403 (Forbidden)
#742 opened by NetoBatista - 0
Using a live video URL throws an exception
#740 opened by migueloliveiradev - 3
- 1
Search feature crashes on mobile devices
#735 opened by jerry08 - 2
- 3
Tests fails on PlaylistIds.MusicMix and PlaylistIds.VideoMix with PlaylistUnavailableException
#732 opened by tmm360 - 2
- 2
YouTube blocks requests without cookie permission
#730 opened by tmm360 - 1
Can't download "free with ads" YouTube movies
#728 opened by Tyrrrz - 5
Cannot get manifest due to `System.FormatException: 'The format of value '' is invalid.'`
#725 opened by gary-89