
pcb files for AS7262 breakout


Adafruit AS7262 Channel Visible Light / Color Sensor Breakout PCB

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PCB files for AS7262 breakout. Format is EagleCAD schematic and board layout

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Detect trees of green, and red roses too with the new Adafruit AS7262 6-Channel Visible Light / Color Sensor Breakout. This sensor from AMS has 6 integrated visible light sensing channels for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. These channels can be read via the I2C bus as either raw 16-bit values or calibrated floating-point values. There is also an on-board temperature sensor that can be used to read the temperature of the chip, and a powerful LED flash to reflect light off objects for better color detection.

The 6 channels on the AS7262 are realized by silicon interference filters at 450nm, 500nm, 550nm, 570nm, 600nm, and 650nm. This breakout uses the I2C interface on the chip by default, but a UART interface that accepts AT commands is also selectable.

We've placed the sensor on a PCB for you and included an SPI flash chip pre-programmed with the device firmware, a 3.3V regulator, I2C level shifting, and the recommended LED flash. Both the I2C and UART interfaces are broken out, making this breakout an excellent all-in-one solution for all your color-sensing needs. The pinout for the UART interface is plug-and-play compatible with the Adafruit FTDI Friend.


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Designed by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.

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