
Back port of the filter_var extension to versions of PHP < 5.2.0

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Back port of the filter_var extension to versions of PHP < 5.2.0

The filter var has many useful features but it wasn't packaged into php until
php5.2. Since there are lot's of servers out there running earlier versions of
php this is an easy way to include that functionality on older servers so that
dependancy on this package doesn't break your software.


Simply include the filter_var.php file the functionality of the filter_var
package will be made available.

Development Notes

The specifications for the package are taken directly from the php.net pages
for the package.

The key to this dev process is the unit tests. The project uses SimpleTest
mostly because it's super easy to get the test framework working on many
different versions of php. The dev cycle follows a TDD paradigm. First a unit
test is written and then run with a version of php > 5.2. Then the same test
is run on a version of php < 5.2. At this point the test should fail. Then
the functionality is added in to make the failing test pass. 

This of course necessitates multiple versions of php with which to run the
tests and if necessary multiple versions of the simple test framework that
support the necessary version of php.


Which versions of PHP is this actually going to support? Practically I only 
need it to support php5.1. However there is no reason this package can't 
practically support down to php4. Something to consider...

Interesting things...

FILTER_VALIDATE_INT - It seems that this filter does not work for negative
integers using octal or hexadecimal numbers.

FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP - In the php supplied version if a "regexp" option is
not passed to the function an E_WARNING error is triggered. Unfortunately in
php we cannot trigger an E_WARNING, we can only trigger E_USER_WARNING so we 
went with that.