View a much more user-friendly yet more powerful library here.
Note also the Hessian method used here is incorrect; see utilities.c in this shorter repo for a correct implementation.
The below instructions are out of date, since the interface has become more flexible. See hamiltonian_builder.h for creating a Hamiltonian, and see the
/* * PERFORM SIMULATION */section of variational_3SAT_solver.c to see an example of how to use param_evolver.h. Feel free to contact me (via the email address advertised at with questions and guidance.
You'll need to install the GNU Scientific library; instructions here.
The executable Variational3SATSolver
has main in variational_3SAT_solver.c
and includes
which generates the 3SAT problems :^)hamiltonian_builder
which builds the Hamiltonians :^)param_evolver
which evolves the parameters :^) with the variational imagianry time methodmmaformatter
which formats the output for importing into Mathematica
The QuEST makefile
must be adapted for GSL. The changes are outlined here and my makefile is included in this repo.
./Variational3SATSolver help
accepts 9 command-line arguments:
: 3SAT problem size (a random instance will be generated)num_params
: the number of parameterised gates in the ansatz circuitrseed
: random seed for 3SAT generationthreshold
: the probability of the solution state which when achieved, parameter evolution endstimestep
: multiplies the change the parameters experience at each imag-time evolution step. Passing0
will use the smallest stable time-step, ~max(energyEigVal)max_iters
: maximum iterations to perform before halting (if not already converged tothreshold
: whether (0 or 1) parameters will be wrapped-around to remain in [0, 2 PI) after each evolution step.deriv_accuracy
: order of finite difference deriv approx to use (1 to 4) in constructing A and Cmatrix_noise
: percent (0 to 1) noise to vary A and C elements by before solving for parameter evolution
The parameters are updated by the method
evolveOutcome evolveParams(
evolverMemory *mem,
void (*ansatzCircuit)(MultiQubit, double*, int),
int (*inversionMethod)(evolverMemory*),
MultiQubit qubits,
double* params,
Hamiltonian hamiltonian,
double timeStepSize,
int wrapParams
where ansatzCircuit
and inversionMethod
are functions you can define and pass, and mem
is a data structure you must first create with
prepareEvolverMemory(MultiQubit qubits, int numParams);
must be a function which accepts a MultiQubit
instance, the parameter list and its length, and applies an ansatz circuit for those parameter values to MultiQubit
. It's important this ansatz circuit sets the initial state of the qubits. For example
void myAnsatz(MultiQubit qubits, double* params, int numParams) {
for (int p=0; p < numParams; p++)
rotateX(qubits, p % qubits.numQubits, params[p]);
could be passed to evolveOutcome(..., myAnsatz, ...)
In lieu of your own code, defaultAnsatzCircuit
can be passed.
is called to numerically solve for the change in the parameters given the matrix equation.
The function must modify mem->paramChange
(which is a GSL vector) using the mem->matrA
and mem->vecC
matrix/vector, to generate a solution to matrA paramChange = vecC
, and should return 1
if it also numerically fails.
In lieu of your own code, you can pass approxByLUDecomp
, approxParamsByLeastSquares
, approxParamsByRemovingVar
, approxParamsByTSVD
or approxParamsByTikhonov
; see the code-doc in param_evolver.h
for details. I recommend the latter, which ensures ||paramChange||
is small.
Underdetermined equations of paramChange
can be realised by changing initStateZero
to initStatePlus
in defaultAnsatzCircuit
must be an instance of Hamiltonian
, declared in hamiltonian_builder.c
, which you can construct via...
Hamiltonian getRandom3SATHamil(int numBools, int **equ, int **sol, int *numClauses);
to generate a random 3SAT equation and accompanying diagonal Hamiltonian, or...
Hamiltonian load3SATHamilFromFile(char *filename, int **equ, int **sol, int *numBools, int *numClauses);
to load a diagonal Hamiltonian from a 3SAT saved in a file, or...
Hamiltonian loadPauliHamilFromFile(char *filename);
to load a Hamiltonian specified as a sum of pauli matrix products, with format
coeff gateOnQubit1 gateOnQubit2 ... gateOnQubitN
coeff gateOnQubit1 gateOnQubit2 ... gateOnQubitN
where coeff
is a double, gateOnQubitn
is one of 0,1,2,3
, signifying an I,X,Y,Z
gate on that qubit.
(through variational_3SAT_solver.c
) outputs a Mathematica association (using this) to file, which contains
- expected energy over iterations
- probability of the solution state over iterations
- evolution of every parameter
- which iterations underwent recovery numerical methods
and is simply read via
SetDirectory @ NotebookDirectory[];
data = Get["wickSATdata.txt"];
An example analysis.nb
notebook is included which plots the above data: