Employee Tracker



This project provides a command line interface (CLI) for a business to manage a database of workforce information, including employees, roles, and departments. A user can add, veiw, or remove departments, roles, and employees, as well as update employee managers. This CLI enables a business owner to view and manage departments, roles, and employess in a company, to better organize and plan the business operations.

Table of Contents


To install, a user must clone the code for the project from it's GitHub repository (https://github.com/Tzcodes101/employeeTracker) to their local workspace. The user must then run npm install inquirer, mysql, and console.table. A user must also have node.js and a MySQL work station (such as MySQL WorkBench) installed and working on their computer.


The user must query the employee_db code (from schema.sql) in workbench, using the seed.sql file as a starting point. The user then runs node server.js and follows the prompts in the command line.


The languages and frameworks to create this project include:

  • Inquirer
  • Node.js
  • MySql
  • Javascript



This project is covered by the ISC license.


  • Talia Zisman


This project can be tested by following the usage instructions.


Please e-mail the creator, Talia Zisman, of this readMeGenerator with any questions.