Fresh Tech Coding Challenge

Welcome to the Fresh Tech Coding Challenge!


To complete this challenge, you will need to write a simple React.js & Node.js based web app, and provide us the source files to be built.

The purpose of this challenge is to assess your skills and approach to composing a simple web app given a set of screens and an API feed.

This challenge is expected to take ~2 hours.

The Challenge

Using the provided screens/*.jpg as a reference, you'll need to build a set of React components to render the app. You'll also need make an API call to the local server to request the needed data.

You do not have to match the screens/*.jpg exactly, feel free to use any css or css framework you like (Fresh uses Semantic UI). Assets are provided in the assets folder.

Although this is a basic exercise, we'll be looking for simple, well-designed, performant, and tested code in the submission.

Please include a README with setup instructions, and any tests or other documentation you created as part of your solution.

Also, add the following info to your README:

  • How did you decide on the technical and architectural choices used as part of your solution?
  • Are there any improvements you could make to your submission?
  • What would you do differently if you were allocated more time?


You will need to build the following 3 pages with React:

  • A "Home" page
  • A "Series" page
  • A "Movies" page

The pages should also be usable on mobile and tablet devices.

You can assume that you do not have to support legacy browsers

"Home" Page

Refer to the screens/1-home.jpg screen.

This will be your index.html screen.

You will need to display 2 tiles, which link to the "Series" page and the "Movies" page.

"Series" and "Movies" Pages

Refer to the screens/2-series.jpg and screens/3-movies.jpg screens.

For each page:

  • Display the first 21 entries
  • Where the entry has a releaseYear attribute value >= 2010
  • Sorted by the title attribute value in ascending alphanumeric order

For the "Series" page filter on:

  • Where the entry has a programType attribute value of series

For the "Movies" page filter on:

  • Where the entry has a programType attribute value of movie

The attributes you should use to display the entries are:

  • title
  • imagesPoster Arturl

You will also need to handle the loading and error states of fetching the JSON feed:

Directory Structure

/src client React.js app files /public publicly served files for client app, ie: index.html /server Node.js server files