Tickete Backend Assignment Submission

Technologies used

  • Fastify
  • Prisma (Schema file available under prisma/schema.prisma)
  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeScript

Deployed in Render - https://chanakya-tickete-test.onrender.com (deployed server can take a while to wake up)

How to run the project

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  3. create a postgres database (hosted or local)
  4. create .env file in the root directory and add the following variables

  1. use npx prisma generate to generate the prisma client bindings and types
  2. use npm run dev to run the project in development mode, while npm build and npm start:prod to run in production mode

API Created

Type Definitions are available in types/slotsResponse.d.ts

  • /api/v1/experience/<id>/slots?date=<date> (sample api)
  • /api/v1/experience/<id>/dates (sample api)
  • /api/v1/sync/resume
  • /api/v1/sync/pause
  • /api/v1/sync/status
  • /test

Additional Notes/Reasoning


  • Initially, I had planned to use fastify and migrate the project to Nestjs as its been a while since I used Nestjs. but decided to stick with Fastify as I need extra bit of time to relearn it.
  • I initially planned to Deploy in Vercel but due to it being only "Serverless" thus app loses state and has only 10secs runtime and vercel cron jobs are only limited to 2 runs per day as per docs in free plan. I had to look into Render very later on, which uses traditional servers that runs on, found that it is better suited for this.
  • One MAJOR LIMITATION of Render is the server falls sleep after 15mins of idle time (Spinning down) because of this the periodic inventory fetching is halted. since I am also not storing any state related to inventory fetching, fetching after waking the server up starts from zero.


  • I have also tried to handle the errors as much as possible, but I am sure there are some edge cases that I have missed - like there is an occasional issue related to race conditions when pushing data to db, which throws Unique Constraint Violation error, which I fixed in most cases and also took most of my time in debugging (like 60-70% of assignment time).
  • For Normalization of database schema, I took inspiration out of give sample apis (the holdup-api.tickete ones), managed to acheive the similar while handling the duplicate values during syncing.


  • The current implementation of Inventory Syncing may not be ideal, but I tried my best in making it bit scalable. it uses chunking and batching to reduce the load on RAM. Thus, effictively reducing the rate of failure. (like I have noticed before using this technique)
  • I have also managed to achieve effective time which can make syncing with 450products every 15mins possible. I have found this with during one of the benchmarks where I was able make 62requests (for 2 product Ids over a month) in 127secs. I have made the source code available under /others/months.ts that did this - runnable with npx ts-node ./others/month.ts
