
Read the guideline before starting.

You are a visitor of aqua-park. There are several slides with different limitations of height, weight and age. Let's create a system that determines whether a visitor can use the slide depending on the own parameters.

To implement it, create the following classes:

1. IntegerRange class - descriptor for parameters limitations

Its __init__ method takes 2 values and stores them:

  • min_amount - min integer accessible value of the visitor's parameter
  • max_amount - max integer accessible value of the visitor's parameter

Create __get__(), __set__() and __set_name__() methods.

2. Visitor class that is responsible for the user's personal data

Its __init__ method takes name, age, weight, and height.

3. SlideLimitationValidator class, inherited from ABC class

Its __init__ method takes age, weight, and height.

4. ChildrenSlideLimitationValidator and AdultSlideLimitationValidator classes, it's a limitation validators for slides

Aqua-park has two types of slides: for adult and for children.

ChildrenSlideLimitationValidator class and set values:

  • age in range of 4 and 14
  • height in range of 80 and 120
  • weight in range of 20 and 50

AdultSlideLimitationValidator class and set values:

  • age in range of 14 and 60
  • height in range of 120 and 220
  • weight in range of 50 and 120

5. Slide class

Its __init__ method takes 2 arguments:

  • name - string value, slide's name
  • limitation_class - type of SlideLimitationValidator class which sets restrictions on the use of the slide

Create can_access method that takes instance of Visitor class and returns if the visitor can use the slide.