Images and custom auth token serializer

Read the guideline before starting.

  • Download ModHeader
  • Use the following command to load prepared data from fixture to test and debug your code: python loaddata cinema_service_db_data.json.
  • After loading data from fixture you can use following superuser (or create another one by yourself):
    • Login: admin.user
    • Password: 1qazcde3

In this task you will work with images and add auth token serializer

  1. Add ImageField image to the Movie model.
    • Upload images should be only available with /upload-image/ endpoint.
    • Image format of saving must be next: f"{slugify(movie.title)}-{uuid}{ext}"
    • Image field should not be available on POST api/cinema/movies/.
    • Image url should be shown on:
      • Movie: list and detail pages
      • Movie session: on list page with movie_image key; on detail page inside movie -> image.

Movie list example:


        "id": 1,
        "image": "",

Movie session list example:


        "id": 1,
        "movie_image": "",
  1. Replace username field with email field in User model.
  2. Write custom AuthTokenSerializer, so you can obtain token with email and password

Note: Check your code using this checklist before pushing your solution.