Music School

Please note: read the guideline before starting.

Welcome to our Music School! Many musicians apply to us every day, and we need you to create a model for it named Musician.

This model should have such fields:

  • first_nameCharField with the max_length of 63;
  • last_nameCharField with the max_length of 63;
  • instrumentCharField with the max_length of 63;
  • ageIntegerField (we do not accept people who are under 14);
  • date_of_applyingDateField with auto_now_add parameter.

Implement the __str__ method in this model to return the string in the "first_name last_name" form.

Also, we need to know whether the musician is an adult, so implement the is_adult property (an adult person is the one who is 21+). And last but not least, implement the most basic CRUD functionality!

Please note: the is_adult property should be displayed in the GET requests.