- GUI for bridging and setting up USB-StringNet-Devices using StringNet-Firmware.
- Translate between StringNet and MQTT / HomieV4
- Homie (V4) - Support (backwards-compatible to HomieV3)
- Autostart - useful for long-term application
- Transmission-queues and echo-filtering
- Detailed verbose info in commandline
- One bridge-instance can handle and connect ONE StringNet-Device
- Doesn't completely support addressing (compared to firmware)
- HOMIE doesn't work in StringNet-Address-Mode!
- Communication always is Y-wise, so: MQTT <--> StringNet
This project builds upon following librarys and therefor special thanks to:
- Pygubu (+Designer) from alejandroautalan @ Github
- Eclipse Paho™ MQTT Python Client from eclipse @ Github
- homie4 from mjcumming @ Github
Pre-requisites (use "pip3" on raspberry):
pip install pygubu
pip install paho-mqtt
pip install Homie4
About: Project for Bachelorthesis, originally supported by UAS Technikum Vienna and 3S-Sedlak
IDE: PyCharm
Python-Version: 3.10
- 1.0.0 - 08.2021 - Hardcoded initial version
- 1.1.0 - 09.2021 - Adding UDP-support
- 2.0.0 - 04.2022 - Introducing dynamic objects solution, removing UDP-support, adding GUI
- 2.0.1 - 12.2022 - X-Server-bug workaround, beautify code
- 2.1.0 - 12.2022 - Fixing X-Server-bug by moving busviewer outputs to commandline
- 2.1.1 - 01.2023 - Adjusting discovery intervalls, beautify github
- 2.1.2+3 - 2023 - Outputs beautified
- 2.2.0 - 12.2023 - Libraries updated and now correctly handled, README corrected, files moved, GUI updated