
A solution for UpLoad data(TXT,ScreenShot) to server,Contact with PHP ( 数据上传解决方案,比如上传log信息,上传屏幕截图,PHP后端交互存储文件)

Primary LanguageC#



A solution for UpLoad data(TXT,ScreenShot) to server,Contact with PHP.

How to use it:

  1. put the 'upload.php' page on your webside or server.
  2. change the demo url for your url.
  3. SaveStringToBinary(string str),use this funtion for convert string to a file.
  4. CaptureScreen(),use this funtion for take a screenShot.
  5. UploadLogFile(),use this funtion for upload file.
  6. UploadTexture(),use this funtion for upload screenShot.
  7. JPGEncoder is a class for compress pic
  8. enjoy it!




  1. 上传upload.php页面到服务端。
  2. 在demo中更改url即可直接体验到上传效果。
  3. 使用SaveStringToBinary函数来将string字符串转为二进制文件。
  4. CaptureScreen函数用来截图。
  5. UploadLogFile用来上传日志。
  6. UploadTexture用来上传贴图。
  7. JPGEncoder是一个用于压缩图片的类
  8. 动手试一下呗~