Mental Health in Tech Dashboard

The Mental Health in Tech Dashboard dashboard will allow filtering between responses for those who indicate that they do have a mental health issue versus those that do not and comparing various variables to see how much they may interfere with their work.

The most recent version of the dashboard is available at the following link:


Although HR departments implement processes and cultivate workplace culture so as to encourage good mental health, it is often unclear whether these policies do in fact make a difference. With our intended dashboard HR professionals who are in charge of setting HR policy in organizations would be able to visually explore a survey data set of mental health attitudes from tech workers across the globe to identify potential connections that may help with policy setting.


The app provides visual insights about the survey data set which includes countries and number of respondents in each country, number of respondents related to a certain sex, the age range of survey respondents, number of people in the data set who are self-employed versus the number of people who work in a company, number of companies that are in of the tech industry versus the ones that are not, each shown visually in charts (bar chart, density chart, etc. depending on the type of data). The app also contains a dropdown list that includes survey questions. Moreover, the app has radio buttons which allow HR professionals to filter between the respondents pertaining to a particular sex, i.e. female, male, or other; it also has one additional dropdown list which allows HR professionals to filter between the companies that provide wellness program for their employees [wellness_program], or if the company makes it easy to apply for a medical leave for a mental health condition [leave], or if the company provides care options for mental health care [care_options]. These widgets in the app will allow HR professionals to compare and contrast the mental health condition of employees and the relation to those variables, namely the benefits and care options an employer provides for their employees.

Below is simplified mock-up of Mental Health in Tech Dashboard

App sketch

App sketch


The materials about Mental Health in Tech Dashboard are licensed under the MIT License (Copyright (c) 2021 Master of Data Science at the University of British Columbia). If you want to re-use/re-mix the materials used in this project, please provide attribution and link to this repository.