
The Life Expectancy Indicator Dashboard visualizes a dataset consisting of survey questions and responses about various aspects of life expectancy for countries all over the world.

Primary LanguageR

Life Expectancy Indicator

Authors: Debananda Sarkar, Zhanyi Su, Junting He, Joshua Lim

App Link

Life Expectancy

App Description

The landing page of the dashboard has one global filter at the left, namely the year range. Users will be able to select a year range as desired and all sections on the landing page will get updated accordingly. A world map is presented at the top of the dashboard with a tooltip at each country to show the average life expectancy data related to the selected country. Under the world map section, there are three plots. The line graph at the left displays the average life expectancy trend over time by continents/country status with a dropdown menu and a radio button at the top. Users can select multiple continents as desired using the dropdown menu. The radio button allows users to choose to present the life expectancy trend by continents or by country status (developing vs. developed). The life expectancy trend graph in the middle would allow users to compare the average life expectancy of a specific country against its continent and the world by changing the value in the dropdown menu. The scatter-plot at the right-hand side for each country with life expectancy as a fixed y-axis and the users will be able to change the dimension in the x-axis and color. This is required to perform multi-dimensional analysis to understand factors affecting life expectancy.

The proposal document could be found here.

Dashboard Overview