- 0 Consider taking warnings into exception if after the warning, the program should stop
#56 opened by arthursunbao - 0
Every function should have two lines of space between each other for best practise
#57 opened by arthursunbao - 0
Good License file
#58 opened by arthursunbao - 0
milestone3: Error running python version in Data type cleansing with cleanmix
#53 opened by arthursunbao - 0
milestone3: Please import all necessary libraries for all code snippet in README.MD
#54 opened by arthursunbao - 0
milestone3: Travis test passed. Good work
#55 opened by arthursunbao - 5
Feedback for Milestone 2
#21 opened by arthursunbao - 2
more feedback for milestone 2
#22 opened by meghanallen - 1
#7 opened by arthursunbao