
The firmware for Aether using Zephyr RTOS

Primary LanguageC

Aether Firmware


Download the Zephyr SDK and a toolchain for your operating system.

Initial Setup

Before you can build this application, we must first setup a Zephyr envionment. This can be done as follows:

west init -m https://github.com/UCF-Aether/aether-firmware aether-workspace
cd aether-workspace
west update

Additional environment setup documentation can be found in the Zephyr Getting Started Guide.

Build Instructions

To build the application, navigate to /path/to/aether-workspace/aether/.

From there run

west build -p -b aether app
west flash

To view the serial output, open a serial terminal with a baud rate of 115200.

For example, picocom -b 115200 /dev/<device_name>

Viewing Output

Data collected from the Aether Node can be viewed at aethersensor.network