
This is the project of UCF MOOC documentation. It provides documentation about the UCF ViSH, how to install and troubleshooting.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is the project of UCF MOOCJS documentation.

The documentation is in markdown format and can be served by Hugo.

This documentation uses the hugo-material-docs theme. You can download this theme with the following command.

# Clone the theme used on documentation site
git clone git@github.com:digitalcraftsman/hugo-material-docs.git themes/hugo-material-docs

To serve the documentation website you can run in the project root dir.

hugo server

And access in any browser the URL http://localhost:1313/.

The file config.toml has the Hugo configuration.

The UCF MOOCJS documentation can be found at docs/ starting by docs/readme.md

The folder static/ has static assets of the documentation.

The folder img/ has image assets of the documentation. The static folder has a symbolic link to img folder, like this the images will appear in both gitlab and hugo.