Copy the contents of this folder and its subfolders to the CodeCommit repo
This repo is a demonstration of Continuous Delivery of a static website to EC2 instances via CodePipeline, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy. Ensure you've configured the Prerequisites before launching the stack below.
- Once the CloudFormation stack is successful, select the checkbox next to the stack and click the Outputs tab.
- From Outputs, click on the PipelineUrl output. The Source action will be in a failed state.
- From the CodePipeline Source action, click on the CodeCommit provider and copy the git clone statement provided by CodeCommit
- Paste the command in your Terminal
- Copy all of the contents from this folder to your locally cloned CodeCommit Git repo
- From your Terminal, type
git add .
- From your Terminal, type
git commit -am "add new files"
- From your Terminal, type
git push
- Go back to your pipeline in CodePipeline and see the changes flow through the pipeline
- Once the pipeline is complete, go to your CloudFormation Outputs and click on the CodeDeployURL Output to get to the EC2 instance for which CodeDeploy has deployed the application
- The CloudFormation template is available here.