Community Services Data Set: developing a health visiting cohort

Overview of materials in this repository

This repository contains R scripts describing management and preparation of the CSDS to identify a data subset that were used for analyses in my PhD titled "Learning from variation in delivery of the health visiting service in England: a mixed methods study".

R scripts

  • Script 1: Preparing CSDS child cohort: identifying children under 5 living in England between April 2018 and March 2020
  • Script 2: Preparing CSDS health visiting contacts: identifying health visiting contacts that were delivered to the cohort of children between April 2018 and March 2020
  • Script 3: Preparing aggregate counts of mandated health visiting contacts to compare to reference data and identify a subset of complete data
  • Script 4: Preparing aggregate counts of children eligible for mandated health visiting contacts to compare to reference data and identify a subset of complete data
  • Script 5: Preparing a final data subset of children with complete mandated health visiting contacts


Amanda Clery (GitHub)
