
A small app to help distribute courses among teaching assistants

Primary LanguageHTML

ICTM Teaching

Configuring SAML authentication

Setting up a fake SAML IdP server

  1. Create a working directory <some_path>/saml-idp and install the npm package saml-idp.

    [user@localhost saml-idp]$ npm install saml-idp
  2. Create a pair of self-signed X.509 private key and certificate

    [user@localhost saml-idp]$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout idp_key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out idp_cert.pem
  3. Create a idp_config.js file to contain the fake IdP configuration.

        * User Profile
        var profile = {
          userName: 'sjackson',
          nameIdFormat: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified',
          uid: 'sjackson',
          firstName: 'Saml',
          email: 'saml.jackson@example.com'
         * SAML Attribute Metadata
        var metadata = [
          id: "uid",
          optional: false,
          displayName: 'Username',
          description: 'The username of the user',
          multiValue: false
          id: "email",
          optional: false,
          displayName: 'E-Mail Address',
          description: 'The e-mail address of the user',
          multiValue: false
          id: "firstName",
          optional: false,
          displayName: 'First Name',
          description: 'The given name of the user',
          multiValue: false
          id: "lastName",
          optional: false,
          displayName: 'Last Name',
          description: 'The surname of the user',
          multiValue: false
        module.exports = {
          user: profile,
          metadata: metadata

    Your working folder should contain idp_key.pem, idp_cert.pem and idp_config.js.

  4. Run the IdP server by running (acsUrl points to the Teaching app and may change if you changed the port):

    node node_modules/saml-idp/bin/run.js --key ./key.pem --cert ./certificate.pem \
    --configFile <some_path>/saml-idp/idp_config.js --acsUrl http:/localhost:5000/auth/callback \
    --audience ictm-teaching --issuer saml-idp

    The configFile parameter requires an absolute path to work correctly. The server will run, by default, on port 7000.

Configuring the app (or SAML SP)

  1. Create a pair of self-signed X.509 private key and certificate

    [user@localhost ictm-teaching]$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout sp_key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out sp_cert.pem
  2. Adapt the config.jsonfile so that the SAML corresponds to :

      "SAML": {
          "attributes": {
            "sn": "lastName",
            "email": "email",
            "givenName": "firstName",
            "uid": "uid"
          "security": {
            "metadataValidUntil": "",
            "metadataCacheDuration": "",
            "wantAssertionsEncrypted": false,
            "wantAssertionsSigned": true,
            "authnRequestsSigned": true
          "sp": {
            "assertionConsumerService": {
              "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"
            "entityId": "ictm-teaching",
            "x509cert": "<paste sp_cert.pem here>",
            "privateKey": "<paste sp_key.pem here>"
          "idp": {
            "entityId": "saml-idp",
            "singleSignOnService": {
              "url": "http://localhost:7000/saml/sso",
              "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"
            "x509cert": "<paste idp_cert.pem here>"
          "strict": true

    and paste the content of the required files in the indicated <tags>.

  3. You can now run the app and feed any user information using the fields provided by the IdP application.