
Blood sample management portal for the SUMMIT clinical trial

Primary LanguageHTML




  • Django web app
  • PostgreSQL database
  • nginx reverse proxy
  • pgAdmin

UCL developer setup

The newer developer setup is closer to production, and uses nginx but without HTTPS.

Edit settings in .envs/.ucldev as required. The defaults should work, but you might want to change the email address in .pgadmin! The pgadmin password is also set there.

To build, from the summit_blood_samples folder in a terminal run:

docker-compose -f ucldev.yml up --build

This will bring up all containers and start the app running, showing logs in the terminal window. You can kill the process (Ctrl-C) to stop the server, and re-run the above command to restart with new code changes. Data will persist across restarts so long as you don't remove the Docker volumes.

The first time you run you'll need to load fixtures and configure an initial user account for the site. In another terminal, run:

docker-compose -f ucldev.yml run --rm django python manage.py loaddata fixtures.json
docker-compose -f ucldev.yml run --rm django python manage.py createsuperuser
docker-compose -f ucldev.yml run --rm django python manage.py shell

Then in the Python shell that launches:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from manage_users.models import *
ur = UserRoles(user_id=User.objects.get(), role_id=ManageRoles.objects.get(pk=1))

You should now be able to access the site at http://localhost:8000/ and log in with the superuser credentials you set.

For pgadmin visit http://localhost:8000/pgadmin4/

User acceptance testing

It is possible to run 2 versions of the site simultaneously. You need to clone a second copy of the repository (presumably a different branch!) as a uat folder alongside the summit_blood_samples folder, e.g. by running:

cd ..
git clone -b develop git@github.com:UCL/SUMMIT-blood-samples.git uat
cd summit_blood_samples

A second docker compose configuration file, uat.yml, is available that adds the extra containers. For instance, to bring up both sites use:

ENVDIR=ucldev docker-compose -f ucldev.yml -f uat.yml up --build

You will need to configure the UAT site on first run:

ENVDIR=ucldev docker-compose -f ucldev.yml -f uat.yml run --rm django_uat python manage.py loaddata fixtures.json
ENVDIR=ucldev docker-compose -f ucldev.yml -f uat.yml run --rm django_uat python manage.py createsuperuser
ENVDIR=ucldev docker-compose -f ucldev.yml -f uat.yml run --rm django_uat python manage.py shell

and run the same commands as above in the Python shell.

Once everything is up, you should be able to access the UAT site at http://localhost:8000/uat/

You can copy database contents from production to UAT using the postgres container's backup functionality, since production and UAT store backups in the same volume:

ENVDIR=ucldev docker-compose -f ucldev.yml -f uat.yml run --rm postgres backup
ENVDIR=ucldev docker-compose -f ucldev.yml -f uat.yml run --rm postgres_uat backups
ENVDIR=ucldev docker-compose -f ucldev.yml -f uat.yml run --rm postgres_uat restore <file>

Note that this will only work if both are running the same schema, so copy the database before you make schema changes and run migrations!

Production setup


Deploy from master branch


Production environment $ mkdir -p summit_blood_samples/.envs/.production

Create summit_blood_samples/.envs/.production/.django with

  # General
  # -----------------------------------------------

Create summit_blood_samples/.envs/.production/.postgres with

# PostgreSQL
# ------------------------------------------------

Create summit_blood_samples/.envs/.production/.pgadmin with

# pgAdmin
# ------------------------------------------------
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=<admin user email>
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=<admin user password>

Django settings: Update summit_blood_samples/config/settings/production.py


EMAIL_BACKEND ='django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_HOST = '<smtp host>'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = '<smtp user>'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '<smtp password>'
EMAIL_FROM = 'Summit Blood Samples <email address>'
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'Summit Blood Samples <email address>'

SSL configuration

The real SSL certificate is stored on UCL's F5s. We just need a self-signed certificate for the VM to allow the traffic between VM and F5 to be encrypted.

In summit_blood_samples/compose/production/nginx/certs do:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -config summitselfsigned.cnf -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout summitselfsigned.key -out summitselfsigned.crt
chmod 600 summitselfsigned.key

Static files

The cookiecutter template seems designed for static files to be served from a cloud based CDN. This is not suitable and static files are to be served by the nginx container.

The static files are generated by the docker container as part of its build process and copied to the staticfiles subdir on the host. This directory is bind mounted to both the django and nginx containers.


Get the full stack up & running from inside the summit_blood_samples dir with $ sudo docker-compose -f production.yml up --build Then open a new terminal to initialise the database as follows

Initial data

The initial data that needs to be loaded includes the user Roles and the site's FQDN

$ sudo docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm django python manage.py loaddata fixtures-production.json

Restart Django after this to ensure the any old site value is not cached.

Admin user

$ sudo docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm django python manage.py createsuperuser

NB: Once the superuser is created they need to be added to the Administrators role. Until this is done, an Internal Error will occur on any page loaded while the user is logged in.

Assuming this is the first user, you can do this in the Django shell as follows:

$ docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm django python manage.py shell
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> from manage_users.models import *
> ur = UserRoles(user_id=User.objects.get(), role_id=ManageRoles.objects.get(pk=1))
> ur.save()


The pgAdmin interface is available at /pgadmin4/ on the server.

Login with the PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL & PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD credentials set above.

Select Add new server

In the Create Server dialog, enter postgres as the name and click on the Connection tab.

Enter postgres as the host name and the POSTGRES_USER & POSTGRES_PASSWORD credentials from above for the username & password fields.

Build & Run

from inside the summit_blood_samples dir: $ sudo docker-compose -f production.yml up --build


$ sudo docker-compose -f production.yml down

Tail logs

$ sudo docker-compose -f production.yml logs --tail=20

Clean up

$ sudo docker-compose -f production.yml down --remove-orphans

Add the -v flag at the end of the above statement to remove all Docker volumes as well. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION! This deletes all data.

Automatic running with systemd

sudo cp compose/production/summit-blood-samples.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable summit-blood-samples
sudo systemctl start summit-blood-samples

User acceptance testing on production

It is possible to run 2 versions of the site simultaneously. You need to clone a second copy of the repository (presumably a different branch!) as a uat folder alongside the summit_blood_samples folder, e.g. by running:

cd ..
git clone -b develop git@github.com:UCL/SUMMIT-blood-samples.git uat
cd summit_blood_samples

A second docker compose configuration file, uat.yml, is available that adds the extra containers. For instance, to bring up both sites use:

sudo ENVDIR=uat docker-compose -f production.yml -f uat.yml up --build

It is configured by default in the systemd setup.

You can copy database contents from production to UAT using the postgres container's backup functionality, since production and UAT store backups in the same volume. This will also copy the user details over, so restoring a backup can substitute for the first-run setup.

sudo ENVDIR=uat docker-compose -f production.yml -f uat.yml run --rm postgres backup
sudo ENVDIR=uat docker-compose -f production.yml -f uat.yml run --rm postgres_uat backups
sudo ENVDIR=uat docker-compose -f production.yml -f uat.yml run --rm postgres_uat restore <file>

Note that this will only work if both are running the same schema, so copy the database before you make schema changes and run migrations!

Once everything is up, you should be able to access the UAT site at /uat/

Original dev setup

Use local.yml rather than production.yml for commands.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml up --build

Initial data

In fixtures.json change the "domain": "" to your server IP or myproject.mydomain.com and run below command

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py loaddata fixtures.json

User creation

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py createsuperuser

NB: Once superuser is created need to add role to the created user in django admin.

Database migrations

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py makemigrations

Further docs

cookiecutter Django on docker

Postgres on docker

pgadmin on docker

nginx on docker @ nginx

nginx on docker @ docker