
Motion Correction of multi-shot MR data using sub images

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Motion Correction of multi-shot MR data using sub images

Additional documentation on shared Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/read/zdphnxpztspy

Overleaf file on February 1, 2022 refered to code at Git Tag 1Feb2022. The version on 20 January 2022 contained a bug. Fixing this has improved the results.

The stable git branch is master, not main. The principle function is subimage.m in the source folder.

The code is being developed using the MATLAB Project functionality, hence the additional files.

Currently also requires k2i and i2k that are not in this repo. d_apply was copied in from a private repo and renamed - this should be tidied up at some point. k2i is just cimdat = fftshift(ifftn(ifftshift(ckdat))) ; and i2k is ckdat = fftshift(fftn(ifftshift(cimdat))) ;