
Primary LanguageC++

Team 15

Winter CS130 Team15 Repository. Working on HTTP server with different functionality configurable using nginx standards and conforming to the following common api: https://github.com/UCLA-CS130/webserver-api

New Updated for Assignment 7

When you start the server as followed, type the url: localhost:2020/ in the browser. Then you will get the homepage of ucla. Our team(TSC) set the ProxyHandler root as '/' in the test_config to make sure all of the src/href files will be fetched successfully. The server for our proxy is ucla.edu, which have some 302 codes sent back. And our server handles 302 codes successfully.

Getting Started

These instructions will show you what to do to run our project and test everything


You need to be running Ubuntu 14.04 and have boost, gtest and git installed. You can do so by running the following code in terminal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install git


In order to install our project, go to a clean folder and run:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/UCLA-CS130/Team15.git

Then, you can run:

cd Team15

In order to build the executable.


We have multiple testing options.

Unit Tests

For unit tests, please run:

make test

The output will dictate whether they succeeded or not.

Unit Test Coverage

For test coverage tests, please run:

make test
make check

This will show the percentage of coverage of our tests.

Integration Tests

For integration tests, please run:

make integration


In order to run our project with a config file in the specified format, please run this following code:

./webserver <filename>

And the output will dictate if the server was launched sucessfully or not.

Specificed format is in the following link: https://github.com/UCLA-CS130/webserver-api

Docker / AWS

To build the deployment image of the webserver, use the following commands:

make clean
docker build -t webserver.build .
docker run webserver.build > binary.tar
make deploy
scp -i <key> ./webserver_img <AWS instance>

This creates a tar of the image in the current directory which is then transferred to the AWS instance using scp.

Load the image from the tar file and rename the image.

docker load -i webserver_img.tar
docker tag <image id> webserver

Finally, build the webserver and run it.

docker run --rm -i -t -p 8080:8080 webserver

NOTES: in the config file, server_name was changed to instead of to allow for listening outside the container.

AWS security settings need to be adjusted in order to allow
for traffic on the specified ports.


Used library cpp-markdown to render markdown as HTML.