
A C++ web server

Build Server

$ make build

Run Server

$ ./webserver <config>

Build and Run Tests

$ make check

Config File Format

The config file must specify:

  • which port the server will listen on

    port <port number>;
  • each request handler

    path <handler URI prefix> <handler name> {
      <handler-specific config statements>

Example Config File

# This is a comment.

port 2020;  # This is also a comment.

path / StaticHandler {
  root /foo/bar;

path /echo EchoHandler {}

# Default response handler if no handlers match.
default NotFoundHandler {}

Contributing Guide

Source Code Layout

All header files can be found in the include/ directory. All .cc files can be found in either the src/ directory or the config_parser/ directory.

Here are the primary classes that make up the Server:

  • Server
    • top-level class
    • takes a config filename as input
    • uses the NginxConfigParser to parse and process the config
    • initializes each request handler
    • creates asynchronous Connections to listen to requests
  • Connection
    • reads a single request from a socket
    • invokes the matching RequestHandler
  • RequestHandler
    • given a request, will generate the correct response
    • base class that all request handlers must inherit from

Here are the helper classes:

  • Request
    • parses the raw HTTP request
    • holds the HTTP request data
  • Response
    • holds the HTTP response data
    • generates a properly formatted HTTP response using the given data
  • NginxConfigParser
    • parses the config file into an NginxConfig object
  • NginxConfig and NginxConfigStatement
    • these hold the config, parsed into tokens

Adding a New Request Handler

All request handlers must inherit from the RequestHandler base class.

To add a new request handler:

  1. Create a new class that inherits from RequestHandler
  2. Implement the pure virtual functions RequestHandler::Init and RequestHandler::HandleRequest in the new request handler
  3. Add the REGISTER_REQUEST_HANDLER(<handler name>) macro to the new request handler's header file to register it with the Server
  4. Add the new request handler to your config file

We provide several request handlers (EchoHandler, StaticHandler, NotFoundHandler, StatusHandler) to use as examples for implementing your own request handlers.

Team Members

  • Crystal Hsieh
  • Jason Liu
  • Ryan Voong

Based on