
Template for Discord Bots

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Bot Template

Contributor Covenant Mergify Status

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to uclacreatives@gmail.com.

Getting Started

We use yarn as our package manager.

Creating a new Discord Bot

  1. Clone the repository template

    $ git clone https://github.com/UCLA-Creative-Labs/discord-bot-template.git
    $ cd discord-bot-template
    $ yarn install
  2. Register a new Discord Bot through Discord's Developer Portal:

    Discord.js Tutorial

  3. Set your environmental variables:

    • For development, create a file .env in the project's root directory and set the variables below
      • dotenv is used to handle environmental variables


    • Set an environmental variable for our Creative Labs Discord to deploy new commands without re-inviting the bot
    • Right click on our server name and click Copy Server ID to get the guild ID
  4. For development, you can watch files with:

    $ yarn dev
  5. To deploy commands for the TEST_GUILD_ID server:

    $ yarn deploy
  6. To build the TypeScript app into a JS distribution:

    $ yarn build
  7. Finally, to run the production app:

    $ yarn start

Creating new Slash commands

We recommend checking out this tutorial.

Some sample commands are set up in ./src/commands/, including a simple reply and a modal popup.

New command .ts files should be imported in ./src/commands/index.ts.

Feel free to contribute more samples of different types of commands and UI.


Thanks for your interest in contributing to Project! ❤️

Here's a quick guide on how to get started.

  1. Fork the repository or checkout a branch; master is protected and is managed through our pipeline.
  2. Create an issue and/or mark an existing one to let everyone know that you are working your magic ⚡️
  3. Beep boop away!
  4. Before you push, it's always a good idea to check that your changes follow our linter rules! Run yarn lint at the root directory and watch it judge your code.
  5. Stage, commit, and push your changes to make a pull request!
  6. A maintainer will review your code and if it passes all the checks, your contribution will be merged on to master 🥳

See CONTRIBUTING.md and DESIGN_GUIDELINES.md for more info.

Getting Help

If you ever need help with a feature or bug fix, no worries! Feel free to mark the issue as guidance so that our maintainers can start thinking about a solution. If you are comfortable making a draft pull request, you can also tag the Creative Labs team in a comment: @UCLA-Creative-Labs/team!
