
Main Website for IEEE at UCLA

Primary LanguagePHP

IEEE at UCLA Main Website

JavaScript Style Guide styled with prettier

Development site: http://development.ieeebruins.com
Production site: https://ieeebruins.com

Setting up a development environment

Clone repo: git clone https://github.com/UCLA-IEEE/ieeebruins.com.git
Download Node
Change into the directory and run npm install to install this project's dependencies

Download MAMP
Run MAMP, go to Preferences > Web Server and change the root directory to point to this repo.
Start the MAMP servers and visit localhost:88888 (Mac) or localhost (Windows) to view the website.


Deploying to development site

Run make deploy-development and input the password to the server

Deploying to production site

Deployment is now handled automatically by Deployinator

Just pushing to the master branch of this repo triggers a deployment.