
Template repository for Model Endpoints

Primary LanguagePython

Model Development and Endpoint Template


This repo is a starting point for a new Data Science project. It provides a useful structure and development path to follow to provide some consistency to model building projects.

The code here is yours to use and modify as best suits your work.

Model Development Walkthrough

Let's follow a diagram to show how we can build and deploy models, using FlowEHR, this repo, and the TRE:


  • #1: FlowEHR has created an instance of the Model-Seedling repo in GitHub, and your TRE administrator has mirrored it into your workspace via Gitea. That's where you should be reading this doc now. Azure Machine Learning (AML) is also available inside this workspace.
  • #2: The SQL Feature Store is accessible from this TRE workspace
  • #3: By exploring and creating a SQL query, you'll create a dataset in a format (probably .csv), which will be saved locally in the TRE VM you're on for you to investigate. When the dataset looks good, you'll register the dataset with AML.
  • #4: You'll submit a training job to AML. This will pick up the dataset you registered and use it to train a model. The specifics of that training are up to you, but some example code is there to start from. At the end of the training run, a new model should be registered inside AML.
  • #5: When the model and dataset are ready, they can be published to the shared registry in FlowEHR.
  • #6: A PR from the main branch to the prod branch of this repo is created, and when merged into prod, FlowEHR deploys the model serving code in a container.
  • #7: As the model endpoint starts, it downloads the model and associated dataset from the registry.
  • #8: The model serving has runtime read-only access to the Feature Store, to pull the latest feature data.
  • #9: The user can query the model endpoint for predictions.

Getting Started

Clone this repo into your TRE VM.

1. Update model.yaml

The model.yaml is used as configuration throughout the code. Update the first half of the file, replacing all the _CHANGE_ME_ placeholders.

You cannot update the datasets or models sections yet. Feel free to commit this updated model.yaml to the repo - it contains no secrets, and your team members will need the same config.

2. Create a Dataset

Whilst you have the freedom to create any dataset you choose (or upload one via the TRE Airlock), the repo will help you create one from the feature store.

  • In the ./dataset_creation/ directory:
    • Modify the dataset_query.sql script to pull the data you need from the feature store
    • Modify the create_datasets.py as needed to create / modify the data as needed, finishing with saving the dataset to a local file.
    • In a terminal, run make create-local-datasets to execute the python code
    • Update the datasets part of model.yaml to reference your new local dataset.

3. Register a Dataset in AML

When your dataset is ready to be used in training, you can register it in AML.

Run make register-datasets-in-aml. This will upload the datasets defined in the model.yaml file to AML.

4. Create a Training Job

You'll now modify the training code, and then submit that to AML to run a training job on the remote compute cluster.

  • In the ./model directory:
    • The ./src/model.py and ./src/train.py contain existing sample code you can modify and reuse in order to train your model
    • By default, the ./main.py will:
      • Create an environment in AML based from a standard docker image + the environment.yml file in the ./model dir.
      • Push the ./src folder to AML as a component
      • Reference the first dataset from your model.yaml
      • Submit a training job.
  • To execute this, run make train-model-in-aml

You can view the running experiments, datasets and models in the AML Workspace, within the TRE. When the training has run successfully, you should now have a model.

Update the models section in your model.yaml to reflect the name and version of the model you've trained.

5. Serve the Model

The ./serve directory contains all the code to host the model and return predictions to the caller, via a web API (using FastAPI).

The ./serve.py file contains any custom code that executes on startup, and then the run() function executes when a user calls http://your-api-host-name/run - either via a GET request containing named query string parameters, or a POST request with a JSON payload. You will need to edit ./serve.py.

The ./internal directory contains some plumbing code. It's not recommended to modify this code unless necessary. It:

  • Downloads all models and datasets when the web API starts
  • Connects to SQL and Cosmos databases. SQL for the feature store, and cosmos for output logging for monitoring.
  • Determines the environment the API is running in (more on that below)
  • Instantiates the user code that you will need to modify.

Serve the model locally

To test the serving code locally, run make serve-local. This will spin up the API on a losthost port where you can hit the endpoint via the browser to test and debug it.

Serve the model for an app developer / in the the app-dev environment

If the ENVIRONMENT environment variable is app-dev:

  • No connections will be made to SQL or Cosmos
  • No models or datasets will be downloaded at startup
  • The run_fake() function will be called instead of the run() function. This allows you to output a static response that will mimic a real one. When this model is served in the app-dev environment, app developers will be able to call your model endpoint and code against it, being sure that when their app moves into production and they call the real one then the data structures will be as expected.

To test the app-dev serving locally, run make serve-local-app-dev.

6. Publish Models and Datasets

A member of the FlowEHR Algorithm Stewards AAD group will need to run this step, as they are the only users with access to the shared AML registry in FlowEHR - which hosts models and datasets for production serving.

Run make publish-assets-in-registry. This command will loop through all the models and datasets in the model.yaml and:

  • Download them locally
  • Upload them to the AML registry in Production, with the named version

If there is a clash with the name and version, the script will indicate so, and skip that model/dataset.

7. Create a PR to App-Dev / Prod

In order to run this code in the production or app-dev environments, you'll need to create a PR into the appropriate branch: app-dev or prod.

When the PR has been reviewed and merged, Gitea will sync the repo up to GitHub and the actions will fire to deploy the model serving code. When the serving code runs in app-dev, it will return the fake response. When it runs in production, it will download the models and datasets in the model.yaml file.