- 1
- 2
- 3
issue loading "en_dual_none_contextual"
#35 opened by jasp9559 - 2
Trouble tagging English text
#31 opened by FahdCodes - 3
- 1
Lookup table for the tags (English)
#33 opened by FahdCodes - 0
CoNLL-U example
#29 opened by apmoore1 - 1
Multi Word Expressions
#24 opened by apmoore1 - 0
pydoc-markdown requirement >= 4.6.0
#30 opened by apmoore1 - 0
- 1
- 1
df tag in MWE template.
#26 opened by apmoore1 - 2
Speed and memory enhancement
#2 opened by apmoore1 - 2
Chinese Penn Treebank POS tagset mapping
#19 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Add a Changelog file
#17 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Add PyMUSAS version to the documentation site
#21 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Add examples for USASRuleBasedTagger for the following languages: Chinese, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish
#18 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Adding a CITATION.cff file
#12 opened by apmoore1 - 2
Finish the CONTRIBUTING Guidelines
#13 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Rule based tagger verbose setting
#15 opened by apmoore1 - 0
USAS tags explain function
#14 opened by apmoore1 - 0
- 2
- 1
Adding a team section to the README
#11 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Move to using the package cached-path
#10 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Rule Based Tagger, how to assign semantic tags when no POS information and two entries exist for the same word
#9 opened by apmoore1 - 2
- 3
Python 3.10
#5 opened by apmoore1 - 1
GitHub Actions signing commits
#8 opened by apmoore1 - 2
#7 opened by apmoore1 - 0
Type Hints urllib3
#6 opened by apmoore1