
UCSB PSTAT Department Computing Wiki

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Documentation with Codelabs

Build Steps

Build website


Simply build the Dockerfile via Docker/Podman (or using VS Code). Once built, run the following inside the container:

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload


Requires Ruby Devkit, Jekyll, and Bundler installed. From the root directory, run the following commands:

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

Access the website through http://localhost:4000/

Build codelabs pages

Following bash script extracts Google docs file ID from table above and runs the claat tool for each match. To build all the docs inside a test directory, run the following command from the root directory while inside the container:

python3 wiki.py

If you're happy with the changes, to build inside docs run the following command while inside the container:

python3 wiki.py --no-test

Note: Every codelab requires a redirect.md file with the following format:

nav_order: 1
permalink: /docs/inner-directory/codelab-directory

{% include_relative index.html %}

This directory structure is setup automatically via the script which reads the docs.csv file. When adding new Codelabs, add a new line to the file containing the following comma separated information:

  • Google Doc URL,
  • title (optional if no redirect is necessary)
  • parent (optional if no redirect is necessary)
  • grand_parent (optional in general)
  • nav_order (order that link shows up in the sidebar)
  • url_loc (root dir where codelab is stored -- do not include url_name!)
  • url_name (name of codelab)
  • redirect (which page user should be dropped in after exiting or pressing "Done")

For more information about building individual Codelabs, visit the Codelabs documentation.