We have completed the basic mechanics of the game. The user can move vertically and horizontally along the screen, while his slingshot in order to shoot flowers when the user presses the spacebar. There is a garden behind the player, that grows the ammunition for the user. Currently it just grows but does not yet refill the ammo. There are three monsters that approach the player. We have added most of the art and are working on incoporating sound and additional displays such as the health bar, and ammunition bar in future versions of the program. Parker wrote the code for the game and incorporated the art assets. Natalia drew all of the art. Julia found sound effects and background music. For the next milestone, we will mostly continue to work on our respective parts. Parker will complete the remaining mechanics, including the complexity of the monster movement and coding for the player interacting with the garden. Natalia will finish the remaining artwork. Julia will supply the remaining sound effects and work on some parts of the code, such as the health bar.