
Collections of paper reviews in SEELab, related to IoT/HD/ML etc.


This repository hosts a list of research papers and topics that we track in the IoT and HD related areas.

A template for paper reading summary can be found here.

AI Conference Reviews


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
Learning Advanced Client Selection Strategy for Federated Learning (AAAI 2022) Not Provided Eric Summary
Unsupervised Representation for Semantic Segmentation by Implicit Cycle-Attention Contrastive Learning (AAAI 2022) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
A Machine Learning Method for EV Range Prediction with Updates on Route Information and Traffic Conditions (AAAI 2022) Not Provided Shuhang Summary
Continual Federated Learning Based on Knowledge Distillation (AAAI 2022) https://github.com/lianziqt/CFeD Eric Summary
LidarMultiNet: Towards a Unified Multi-Task Network for LiDAR Perception (AAAI 2023) Not Provided Ivannia Summary
Online Hyperparameter Optimization for Class-Incremental Learning (AAAI 2023) https://github.com/yaoyao-liu/online-hyperparameter-optimization/ Eric Summary


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
MMT: Multi-Way Multi-Modal Transformer for Multimodal Learning (IJCAI 2022) Not Provided Eric Summary
Learning from Students: Online Contrastive Distillation Network for General Continual Learning (IJCAI 2022) https://github.com/lijincm/OCD-Net Xiaofan Summary
Picking the Right Winner: Why Tie-Breaking in Crowdsourcing Contests Matters (IJCAI 2022) Not Provided Ivannia Summary
Understanding the Mitigating Data Contamination in Deep Anomaly Detection: A Kernel-based Approach (IJCAI 2022) Not Provided Xiaofan Summary
Continual Federated Learning Based on Knowledge Distillation (IJCAI 2022) https://github.com/lianziqt/CFeD Eric Summary
Interactive Machine Learning Solutions for Acoustic Monitoring of Animal Wildlife in Biosphere Reserves (IJCAI 2023) Not Provided Xiaofan Summary
Learning to Learn from Corrupted Data for Few-Shot Learning (IJCAI 2023) https://github.com/anyuexuan/PCL Flavio Summary
Confidence-based Self-Corrective Learning: An Application in Height Estimation Using Satellite LiDAR and Imagery (IJCAI 2023) Not Provided Ivannia Summary
Spatially Covariant Lesion Segmentation (IJCAI 2023) Not Provided Ivannia Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Constrained Few-shot Class-incremental Learning (CVPR 2022) https://github.com/IBM/constrained-FSCIL Eric Summary
PerfHD: Efficient ViT Architecture Performance Ranking Using Hyperdimensional Computing (CVPR 2023) https://github.com/VU-DETAIL/PerfHD Eric Summary
Prompting Large Language Models With Answer Heuristics for Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering (CVPR 2023) https://github.com/MILVLG/prophet Xiaofan Summary
OneLLM: One Framework to Align All Modalities with Language (CVPR 2024) https://github.com/csuhan/OneLLM Xiaofan Summary
VILA: On Pre-training for Visual Language Models (CVPR 2024) https://github.com/NVlabs/VILA Xiaofan Summary
Dual Prior Unfolding for Snapshot Compressive Imaging (CVPR 2024) https://github.com/ZhangJC-2k/DPU Michael Summary
CRKD: Enhanced Camera-Radar Object Detection with Cross-modality Knowledge Distillation (CVPR 2024) https://github.com/Song-Jingyu/CRKD Michael Summary
UniMix: Towards Domain Adaptive and Generalizable LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather (CVPR 2024) https://github.com/sunnyHelen/UniMix Ivannia Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
LESS: Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation for LiDAR Point Clouds (ECCV 2022) None Ivannia Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
AutoGrow: Automatic Layer Growing in Deep Convolutional Networks (KDD 2020) Not provided Ivannia Summary
Navigating Alignment for Non-identical Client Class Sets: A Label Name-Anchored Federated Learning Framework (KDD 2023) https://github.com/jiayunz/FedAlign Xiaofan Summary

Machine Learning Conference Reviews


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration Link to code Lele Zhao Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Bootstrap Your Own Latent - A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning (NeurIPS 2020) Link to code Xiaofan Summary
Learning with Holographic Reduced Representations (NeurIPS 2021) Link to code Xiaofan Summary
FedRolex: Model-Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Rolling Sub-Model Extraction (NeurIPS 2022) Link to code Xiaofan Summary
MCUNetV2: Memory-Efficient Patch-based Inference for Tiny Deep Learning (NeurIPS 2021) Link to code Run Wang Summary
On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory (NeurIPS 2022) Link to code Run Wang Summary


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
Random Feature Attention (ICLR 2021) Not Provided Eric Summary
Multimodal Federated Learning via Contrastive Representation Ensemble (ICLR 2023) https://github.com/FLAIR-THU/CreamFL Eric Summary
GPTQ: Accurate Post-Training Quantization for Generative Pre-trained Transformers (ICLR 2023) https://github.com/IST-DASLab/gptq Lele Zhao Summary


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
Accurate LoRA-Finetuning Quantization of LLMs via Information Retention (ICML 2024) https://github.com/htqin/ir-qlora Xiaofan Summary

IoT/Mobile Device/Sensor Networks Conference Reviews


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
FedMask: Joint Computation and Communication-Efficient Personalized Federated Learning via Heterogeneous Masking (SenSys 2021) Not Provided Eric Summary
SQEE: A Machine Perception Approach to Sensing Quality Evaluation at the Edge by Uncertainty Quantification (SenSys 2022) Not Provided Xiaofan Summary
SpeechQoE: A Novel Personalized QoE Assessment Model for Voice Services via Speech Sensing (SenSys 2022) Not Provided Dan Summary
On-NAS: On-Device Neural Architecture Search on Memory-Constrained Intelligent Embedded Systems (SenSys 2023) https://github.com/eai-lab/On-NAS Xiaofan Summary
NeuroRadar: A Neuromorphic Radar Sensor for Low-Power IoT Systems (SenSys 2023) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
EdgeFM: Leveraging Foundation Model for Open-set Learning on the Edge (SenSys 2023) Not provided Xiaofan Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
BalanceFL: Addressing Class Imbalance in Long-Tail Federated Learning (IPSN 2022) https://github.com/sxontheway/BalanceFL Xiaofan Summary
YONO: Modeling Multiple Heterogeneous Neural Networks on Microcontrollers (IPSN 2022) Not provided Shuhang Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
DeepSQA: Understanding Sensor Data via Question Answering (IoTDI 2021) https://github.com/NESL/DeepSQA Xiaofan Summary
Multimodal Federated Learning on IoT Data (IoTDI 2022) Not provided Eric Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Hermes: An Efficient Federated Learning Framework for Heterogeneous Mobile Clients (MobiCom 2021) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
Deep Learning based Wireless Localization for Indoor Navigation (MobiCom 2020) Not Provided Dan Summary
Cosmo: Contrastive Fusion Learning with Small Data for Multimodal Human Activity Recognition (MobiCom 2022) Not Provided Eric Summary
Mask Does Not Matter: Anti-Spoofing Face Authentication using mmWave without On-site Registration (MobiCom 2022) Not Provided Dan Summary
InFi: End-to-end Learnable Input Filter for Resource-efficient Mobile-centric Inference (MobiCom 2022) https://github.com/yuanmu97/infi Ivannia Summary
U-Star: An Underwater Navigation System based on Passive 3D Optical Identification Tags (MobiCom 2022) Not provided Louis Summary
NeuriCam: Key-Frame Video Super-Resolution and Colorization for IoT Cameras (MobiCom 2023) Link Louis Summary
DroidPerf: Profiling Memory Objects on Android Devices (MobiCom 2023) Link Shengfan Summary
AdaptiveNet: Post-deployment Neural Architecture Adaptation for Diverse Edge Environments (MobiCom 2023) Not provided yet Xiaofan Summary
BatMobility: Towards Flying Without Seeing for Autonomous Drones (MobiCom 2023) Link Louis Summary
AgriTera: Accurate Non-Invasive Fruit Ripeness Sensing via Sub-Terahertz Wireless Signals (MobiCom 2023 Best Paper Award) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
AutoFed: Heterogeneity-Aware Federated Multimodal Learning for Robust Autonomous Driving (MobiCom 2023) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
Taming Event Cameras with Bio-Inspired Architecture and Algorithm: A Case for Drone Obstacle Avoidance (MobiCom 2023) https://github.com/MobiSense/BioDrone Xiaofan Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Memory-Efficient DNN Training on Mobile Devices (MobiSys 2022) https://github.com/eis-lab/sage Xiaofan Summary
BystandAR: Protecting Bystander Visual Data in Augmented Reality Systems (MobiSys 2023) Not provided Ivannia Summary

EDA Conference Reviews


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
SemiHD: Semi-Supervised Learning Using Hyperdimensional Computing (ICCAD 2019) Not provided Ivannia Summary
ScaleHD: Robust Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Computing via Adapative Scaling (ICCAD 2022) Not provided Ivannia Summary
Neurally-Inspired Hyperdimensional Classification for Efficient and Robust Biosignal Processing (ICCAD 2022) Not provided Ivannia Summary


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
HDCluster: An Accurate Clustering Using Brain-Inspired High-Dimensional Computing (DATE 2019) Not Provided Xin Summary
OnlineHD: Robust, Efficient, and Single-Pass Online Learning Using Hyperdimensional System (DATE 2021) https://github.com/BIASLab-UCI/onlinehd Alex Summary
Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Models for On-device Malware Detection in loT Networks (DATE 2023) Not Provided Eric Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
HyperRec: Efficient Recommender Systems with Hyperdimensional Computing (ASP-DAC 2021) Not provided Ivannia Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
On-Device Unsupervised Image Segmentation (DAC 2023) Not provided Xin Summary
Enabling On-Device Large Language Model Personalization with Self-Supervised Data Selection and Synthesis (DAC 2024) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
CONClave - Secure and Robust Cooperative Perception for CAVs Using Authenticated Consensus and Trust Scoring (DAC 2024) Not provided Xiaofan Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
A Robust and Energy-Efficient Classifier Using Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Computing (ISLPED 2016) https://github.com/abbas-rahimi/HDC-Language-Recognition Eric Summary
Integrating Event-based Dynamic Vision Sensors with Sparse Hyperdimensional Computing: A Low-power Accelerator with Online Capability (ISLPED 2020) https://github.com/iis-eth-zurich/hd_dvs Shuhang Summary
Multi-objective optimization for Floating Point Mix-Precision Tuning (ISLPED 2023) No Code Available Ivannia Summary

Other Top Conference Reviews


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
FedZKT: Zero-Shot Knowledge Transfer towards Resource-Constrained Federated Learning with Heterogeneous On-Device Models (ICDCS 2022) Not Provided Eric Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Harnessing Biomedical Literature to Calibrate Clinicians’ Trust in AI Decision Support Systems (CHI 2023) None Louis Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Firefly: Untethered Multi-user VR for Commodity Mobile Devices (ATC 2020) Not provided Louis Summary
Refurbish Your Training Data: Reusing Partially Augmented Samples for Faster Deep Neural Network Training (ATC 2021) Not provided Ivannia Summary

USENIX Security

Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Delphi: A Cryptographic Inference Service for Neural Networks (Security 2020) https://github.com/mc2-project/delphi Dan Summary


Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Nadege: When Graph Kernels meet Network Anomaly Detection (INFOCOM 2022) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
ComAI: Enabling Lightweight, Collaborative Intelligence by Retrofitting Vision DNNs (INFOCOM 2022) Not provided Dan Summary
Milliear: Millimeter-wave Acoustic Eavesdropping with Unconstrained Vocabulary (INFOCOM 2022) Not provided Louis Summary

Topic Reviews


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
Mamba: Linear-Time Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces (arXiv 2023) https://github.com/state-spaces/mamba Xiaofan Summary


Paper Title (Conf/Year of Paper) Link to code Presenters Notes
Hyperdimensional Computing-based Multimodality Emotion Recognition with Physiological Signals (AICAS 2019) https://github.com/enjui/HDC-MER Eric Summary
Vector Symbolic Architectures Answer Jackendoff's Challenges for Cognitive Neuroscience (2004) Not provided Xiaofan Summary
Symbolic Representation and Learning with Hyperdimensional Computing (Frontiers 2020) https://github.com/ncos/pyhdc,
Xiaofan Summary
Understanding Hyperdimensional Computing for Parallel Single-Pass Learning (2022) https://github.com/Cornell-RelaxML/Hyperdimensional-Computing Eric Summary
Multivariate Time Series Analysis for Driving Style Classification using Neural Networks and Hyperdimensional Computing (IV 2021) Link to code Ivannia Summary
Minority Resampling Boosted Unsupervised Learning With Hyperdimensional Computing for Threat Detection at the Edge of Internet of Things (IEEE ACCESS 2021) Not Provided Louis Summary
HyperSpec: Ultrafast Mass Spectra Clustering in Hyperdimensional Space (J. Proteome R 2023) Not provided Xin Summary
HDCC: A Hyperdimensional Computing compiler for classification on embedded systems and high-performance computing (Arxiv) https://anonymous.4open.science/r/hdcc-5F7C/ Shengfan Summary
Hyperdimensional Computing with holographic and adaptive encoder (Frontiers 2024) Not Provided Michael Summary
Automated Architecture Search for Brain-inspired Hyperdimensional (autoML 2022) Not provided Run Summary

Tiny Machine Learning

Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
TinyOL: TinyML with Online-Learning on Microcontrollers (IJCNN 2021) Not Provided Shuhang Summary
On-Device Training of Machine Learning Models on Microcontrollers with Federated Learning (Electronics 2022) Not Provided Shuhang Summary

Wireless Communication

Paper Title Link to code Presenters Notes
Learning to Continuously Optimize Wireless Resource in a Dynamic Environment: A Bilevel Optimization Perspective (ICASSP 2021) https://github.com/Haoran-S/TSP_CL Xiaofan Summary
Deep-Learning-Based Device Fingerprinting for Increased LoRa-IoT Security: Sensitivity to Network Deployment Changes (IEEE Networks 2022) Link to dataset Xiaofan Summary