
This repository is to upload useful STATA scripts

Primary LanguageStata

STATA scripts

Welcome everyone!

This repository was created with student collaboration in mind. If you have a STATA script that you think might be useful for others please feel free to share here. Here are a few tips to make it useful to others:

  • Describe the purpose and a brief background.
    Provide the motivation to create the script, the problem that you faced and your proposed solution(s), what kind of data you used, in which setting (longitudinal vs cross-sectional).

  • Make it reproducible
    It is understandable that most of the times others will not have the same dataset that you did when creating the script. However, if possible provide with a small sample of the data or simulate it within the script to mimic the structure of the original data.

  • Comment/Annotate
    Making coments is helpful to explan what the code is doing in a speicific line or block of code. Your future-self will thank you as well!

  • Don't be affraid!
    This repository is, by no means, meant to propose only the best or the perfect solution for a problem. Rather, is a place of collaboration where we (students) can help eachother with code and find solutions to common problems when coding for data analysis TOGETHER.