
Back/Front End Server

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This repository contains the front end which is created using Angular. The server is made in Node.js express. See respective READMEs for more details.

Development Environment

Install pre-commit using the following:


pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install


brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Deploying to the server

SSH into the IP:

ssh root@<server_ip_address>

Refer to current manager for the server password.

cd Epsilon-Telemetry-Server

git pull and/or checkout to branch you want to deploy.

For Database or Server Side changes

cd server

Server should first be killed. Find the server process with:

pgrep node
kill <server_process_pid>

To remake the database:

sudo -u postgres dropdb epsilontelemetrydb
sudo -u postgres createdb epsilontelemetrydb
sudo -u postgres psql epsilontelemetrydb < migrate.psql

Start the server with:

nohup npm run start >/dev/null &

End your ssh session with exit, otherwise the server will stop running.

For front end changes

cd web-app
ng build --prod

After this step you should have a dist folder in your repository.

Copy the contents of the dist folder to /var/www/html/ so that the apache server will update the site

cp dist/* /var/www/html/ -rf