
Usage 1

  1. Generate IoTDataModelingFramework.war with maven clean install
  2. Deploy IoTDataModelingFramework.war file in /opt/tomcat/webapps (tomcat version 8)
  3. Execute $ sudo service tomcat restart
  4. The webapp is accessible from http://localhost:8080/IoTDataModelingFramework/DemoService.svc/


Path Method Response
/$metadata GET Returns metadata for all entities (application, sensor,metric, measurement)
/Applications GET Returns details about every application in the database
/Sensors?$filter=appId eq 'appId value' GET Returns sensors that belongs to the specific application
/Metrics?$filter=sensorId eq 'sensorId value' GET Returns metrics tha belongs to the specific sensor
/Measurements?$filter=metricId eq 'metricId value' and timestamp gt 'timestamp 1' and timestamp lt 'timestamp 2' GET Returns measurements with timestamp value between the two timestamps for the specific metric
/Applications?data=Json POST Creates new application
/Sensors?data=Json POST Creates new sensor
/Metrics?data=Json POST Creates new metric
/Measurements?data=Json POST Insert a new measurement

Usage 2

  1. Generate IoTDataModelingFramework-jar-with-dependencies.jar with mvn clean compile assembly:single
  2. Run with java -jar IoTDataModelingFramework-jar-with-dependencies.jar
  3. Arguments:
    1. Number of sensors that sends measurements (>0)
    2. Number of measurements to send (>0)
    3. Time period to send measurement (>=0)
    4. Immediate start (0,1)
    5. Logs location (String)
    6. Name of the logs (String)