
PolyBench/Python is the reimplementation of PolyBench in the Python programming language. It is a benchmark suite of 30 numerical computations with static control flow, extracted from operations in various application domains (linear algebra computations, image processing, physics simulation, dynamic programming, statistics, etc.).

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PolyBench/Python v1.0

Copyright (c) 2020 Universidade da Coruña.

    Miguel Ángel Abella González <miguel.abella@udc.es>

    Gabriel Rodríguez <gabriel.rodriguez@udc.es>

    To cite PolyBench/Python in your work, please cite:

    M.Á. Abella-González, P. Carollo-Fernández, L.-N. Pouchet, F. Rastello,
    G. Rodríguez. "PolyBench/Python: Benchmarking Python Environments with
    Polyhedral Optimizations". ACM SIGPLAN 2021 International Conference on
    Compiler Construction, CC 2021. doi https://doi.org/10.1145/3446804.3446842.

PolyBench/Python is the reimplementation of PolyBench in the Python programming
language. It is a benchmark suite of 30 numerical computations with static 
control flow, extracted from operations in various application domains (linear
algebra computations, image processing, physics simulation, dynamic programming,
statistics, etc.).

PolyBench/Python v1.0 is an exact mirror of the 30 kernel in PolyBench/C 4.2 by
L.-N. Pouchet and T. Yuki 
in terms of computation performed, problem sizes, and data types. This enables
fair side-by-side comparison of Python-based implementations.

Available benchmarks (PolyBench/Python v1.0)

Benchmark       Description
_2mm            2 Matrix Multiplications (alpha * A * B * C + beta * D)
_3mm            3 Matrix Multiplications ((A*B)*(C*D))
adi             Alternating Direction Implicit solver
atax            Matrix Transpose and Vector Multiplication
bicg            BiCG Sub Kernel of BiCGStab Linear Solver
cholesky        Cholesky Decomposition
correlation     Correlation Computation
covariance      Covariance Computation
deriche         Edge detection filter
doitgen         Multi-resolution analysis kernel (MADNESS)
durbin          Toeplitz system solver
fdtd-2d         2-D Finite Different Time Domain Kernel
floyd-warshall  Graph shortest path length
gemm            Matrix-multiply C=alpha.A.B+beta.C
gemver          Vector Multiplication and Matrix Addition
gesummv         Scalar, Vector and Matrix Multiplication
gramschmidt     Gram-Schmidt decomposition
head-3d         Heat equation over 3D data domain
jacobi-1D       1-D Jacobi stencil computation
jacobi-2D       2-D Jacobi stencil computation
lu              LU decomposition
ludcmp          LU decomposition followed by Forward Substitution
mvt             Matrix Vector Product and Transpose
nussinov        Dynamic programming algorithm for sequence alignment
seidel          2-D Seidel stencil computation
symm            Symmetric matrix-multiply
syr2k           Symmetric rank-2k update
syrk            Symmetric rank-k update
trisolv         Triangular solver
trmm            Triangular matrix-multiply

Note that, due to Python's restrictions in package naming, the "2mm" and "3mm"
kernels from PoylBench/C have been renamed to "_2mm" and "_3mm", respectively.


PolyBench/Python requires a function Python 3 installation. Refer to your system
documentation to install it. After Python is available, the distribution 
includes a "requirements.txt" file which can be used by pip to
install the required dependences:

    $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

In addition to the basic Python system, timing functionalities require "nasm" to
be installed. Please refer to your operating system documentation on how to
install "nasm".

In order to test that the basic functionalities are working, a test run can be

    $ python run-benchmark.py benchmarks/datamining/correlation/correlation.py --dataset-size MINI
Running benchmarks.datamining.correlation.correlation
  Start time: 2021-01-27 09:58:18
  Interpreter: CPython
    (iterations, 1)
    ('POLYBENCH_TIME', False)
    ('POLYBENCH_PAPI', False)
    ('POLYBENCH_ARRAY_IMPLEMENTATION', <ArrayImplementation.LIST: 1>)

If this command runs without error, everything should be in working order.


The "run-benchmark.py" scripts provides a set of options that can be used to
configure the benchmark runs:

    $ python run-benchmark.py <benchmark> [options]

<benchmark> needs to be one of the ".py" files in the subfolders of the 
"benchmark/" folder. Options are as follows:

    --polybench-options OPTIONS
        A comma separated list of options passed to PolyBench. Available options

        * POLYBENCH_TIME: (default off) prints the time elapsed during the
          execution of the kernel's code in seconds.
        * POLYBENCH_DUMP_ARRAYS: (default false) outputs the returning arrays of
          the benchmark into stderr.
        * POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR: (default 0) adds N elements at the end of
          every array's dimension.
        * POLYBENCH_PAPI: (default off) enables PAPI counters. This will not
          work when POLYBENCH_TIME is enabled. Edit "papi_counters.list", and
	  add 1 line per event to monitor. Each line (including the last one)
	  must finish with a ',' and both native and standard events are

          The whole kernel is run one time per counter (no multiplexing) and
	  there is no sampling being used for the counter value.
        * POLYBENCH_PAPI_VERBOSE: (default false) print the PAPI counter name
          next to its value.
        * POLYBENCH_CACHE_SIZE_KB: (default 32770) the size, in KiloBytes, of
          the data structure used for flushing the cache.
        * POLYBENCH_NO_FLUSH_CACHE: (default flush) disable cache flushing.
        * POLYBENCH_CYCLE_ACCURATE_TIMER: (default false) use the processor's
          timestamp counter (TSC) on compatible systems.
        * POLYBENCH_LINUX_FIFO_SCHEDULER: (default false) use the FIFO scheduler
          for this process. This requires superuser privilege.

    --dataset-size DATASET_SIZE
        Specify a working dataset size to use from "polybench.spec" file. Valid
        values are:"MINI", "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE", "EXTRALARGE".

        Saves execution results into an automatically named file next to the
        benchmark implementation.

    --output-array OUTPUT_ARRAY
	Prints the benchmarks result into a file. In order to print into the
	console use either "stdout" or "stderr".

    --verify-file VERIFY_FILE_NAME
        Verify the results of the benchmark against the results stored in a file.
        This option enables --output-array and makes the output file to target a
        file name whose name matches the one passed by this argument, appending
	the .verify suffix. When the benchmark terminates, its result is
	compare and a message indicating the comparison result will be printed
	on "stdout".

    --verify-polybench-path VERIFY_POLYBENCH_PATH
        Combined with --verify-file, this parameter allows to specify the path
	where PolyBench/C is present to allow for automatic discovery of the
	appropriate output file. Please note that the files containing the
	results of PolyBench/C must already exist and must be next to where the
	actual implementation resides. This is the default behavior when
	PolyBench/C is run from Perl scripts.

    --iterations ITERATIONS
        Performs N runs of the benchmark.

    --array-implementation ARRAY_IMPLEMENTATION
        Allows to select the internal array implementation in use.
        * 0: Python nested Lists; (default)
        * 1: Python List with flattened indexes; 
        * 2: NumPy array.


The development of PolyBench/Python was supported in part by the Ministry of 
Science and Innovation of Spain (PID2019-104184RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033), 
and by the U.S. National Science Foundation (award CCF-1750399). 


PolyBench/Python and all the files it contains are provided under an Apache 2.0
License. A copy of the license is provided in the LICENSE file.