- 0
Change references
#201 opened by vidiecan - 0
- 3
Example of end-to-end application without docker
#199 opened by Gandhi-Sagar - 4
How to start using VAD?
#198 opened by jhoelzl - 0
is the model missing in data server?
#195 opened by ivysoftware - 1
Travis builds failing due to SciPy import error
#182 opened by tuetschek - 0
migrating to Python 3
#176 opened by oplatek - 1
Fix exception for a specific travel request
#171 opened by tuetschek - 1
zastávku *** v 'none' neznám
#168 opened by michlikv - 2
missing function trained_slu_test
#167 opened by oplatek - 6
- 0
task not updated from wheather to find_connection
#162 opened by oplatek - 3
Fix Last-Talked-About when searching for directions (conflict: find_connection vs. find_platform)
#135 opened by tuetschek - 0
- 0
kaldi training scripts & mkgraph check that phoneset match and warn during building HCLG
#124 opened by oplatek - 5
"sudo apt-get install -y portaudio19-dev " does not work on travis... Do we need it?
#73 opened by oplatek - 4
- 2
- 0
build web based hub instead of,
#102 opened by oplatek - 3
Removing sphinxcontrib-napoleon
#88 opened by oplatek - 4
Fix exception tracebacks
#85 opened by tuetschek - 0
Monitoring web interface.
#83 opened by ticcky - 2
- 0
- 1
Normalising word lattice
#37 opened by oplatek - 1
Kaldi training scripts: split the lang specific implementation to separate scripts
#29 opened by oplatek - 1
- 3
Flite download link
#10 opened by tuetschek - 2
PTICS: 12hr time expression interpretation
#3 opened by tuetschek - 2
Documentation links don't work
#5 opened by tuetschek