
In this project , I developed Internet Browser's Google Trend Dashboard with Python and Streamlit , deployed to Heroku using Git.

Primary LanguagePython


⚡ In this project , developing of Internet Browser's Google Trend Dashboard made with Python and Streamlit after that deployed to Heroku using Git.

• Project Description

Time series data is everywhere; from temperature records, to unemployment rates, to the S&P 500 Index. Another rich source of time series data is Google Trends, where you can freely download the search interest of terms and topics from as far back as 2004. This project dives into manipulating and visualizing Google Trends data to find unique insights.In the project , I will analyze the worldwide search interest of five major internet browsers to calculate metrics such as rolling average.

• Project Objective

Analyze web browser market share between 2004-2020 using Google Trends and time series manipulation.

• Project Tools

In this project I used Python with pandas for time series data analysis and data visualization (plot , rolling average plot) for Google trend with search interest analysis.

Language grade: Python Streamlit Heroku Git Python Pandas Matplotlib

Open Project

*It may take a while to run app from Heroku server which I use free dyno hours for every months , please wait until it runs !

⚡ Dashboard 1 with search interest


⚡ Dashboard 2 with rolling means interest


⚡ Dashboard 3 with browser's yearly comparison
