
In this project , I developed Stock Price Dashboard with Python and Streamlit , deployed to Heroku using git.

Primary LanguagePython


⚡ In this project , developing of Stock Price Dashboard made with Python and Streamlit after that deployed to Heroku using Git.

• Project Description

Time series data is everywhere; from temperature records, to unemployment rates, to the S&P 500 Index. . This project dives into manipulating and visualizing Stock Price data to find unique insights from it.

• Project Objective

Analyze american forex stock prices between 2010-today using yfinance and time series manipulation.

• Project Tools

In this project I used Python with pandas for time series data analysis , normalization and data visualization (plot) for Stock prices.

Language grade: Python Streamlit Heroku Git Python Pandas YFinance

Open Project

*It may take a while to run app from Heroku server which I use free dyno hours for every months , please wait until it runs !

⚡ Dashboard 1 with stock prices


⚡ Dashboard 2 with normalized prices
