- 2
Report Paper for End of Project with annotated parts. 6-10+ pages IEEE conference style
#207 opened by ateRstones - 7
Final demo in the first week of the semester
#206 opened by ateRstones - 1
Pass on device ids from the main launch file
#299 opened by Flova - 6
add documentation on planning node
#263 opened by Juphex - 2
Source Code documentation
#194 opened by berkgungor - 2
[Audio][enhancement] audio comparison improvement
#270 opened by yl-wang996 - 1
- 1
add vision documentation
#294 opened by Juphex - 1
add a flag to data generation scripts, so, that it only creates .ly/.txt files and does not render images
#251 opened by Juphex - 5
Ideas for additional commands
#182 opened by scaredycode - 1
[Audio][enhancement] loudness measurement with dB
#271 opened by yl-wang996 - 2
[command recognition] Try to filter out the noise of background and unintended speech in far distance
#223 opened by yl-wang996 - 7
- 1
[idea] whisper acceleration by whisper JAX
#261 opened by yl-wang996 - 7
inconsistency in handwritten detections
#234 opened by berkgungor - 5
Specify volume
#274 opened by scaredycode - 2
Project Overview Documentation and Block diagram
#216 opened by ateRstones - 4
Modify the read lilypond sequence
#184 opened by scaredycode - 0
vision model token issue
#204 opened by scaredycode - 8
pattern of command recognition
#209 opened by yl-wang996 - 1
- 4
[command recognition] keyword spotting
#225 opened by yl-wang996 - 2
[marimbabot_audio]: enhancement
#201 opened by yl-wang996 - 4
Repeat symbol gets ignored
#262 opened by Flova - 4
Refactor marimbabot_bringup launch files
#196 opened by Juphex - 1
Behaviour node: add volume modification for lilypond
#212 opened by Juphex - 3
Marimbabot end-to-end integration with one mallet
#217 opened by berkgungor - 6
Adjust Timing information that is returned by planning
#250 opened by Juphex - 4
inconsistency in planning - finding an valid plan
#239 opened by berkgungor - 4
problem on faster / slower options for tempo
#240 opened by berkgungor - 2
Complex Two Mallet planning
#214 opened by ateRstones - 3
Create Rosbags for Integrated or Semiintegrated environments of the project to be used for testing nodes in a isolated state
#213 opened by ateRstones - 2
Loudness limitation in marimbabor_behaviour
#258 opened by berkgungor - 0
robot starts with wall collision in demo.launch
#269 opened by berkgungor - 0
MVP Two Mallet Planning
#215 opened by ateRstones - 1
"repeat" unknown to LilyPondParser
#233 opened by scaredycode - 3
New idea about the behavior of the robot during executing command "read" and "play"
#256 opened by yl-wang996 - 6
- 10
[CI] how to add apt install in the CI?
#245 opened by yl-wang996 - 1
Attention Visualization
#247 opened by Flova - 0
expand script for handwritten data generation to support added data features
#221 opened by scaredycode - 1
reduced symbol-set for data generation
#236 opened by scaredycode - 3
Adjust the synthetic dataset generation
#211 opened by ateRstones - 1
- 0
Make simulation work with double mallet holder
#227 opened by iibrahimli - 2
[command recognition] Directly forward the stream into whisper, not save it to tmp file
#220 opened by yl-wang996 - 0
behaviour node: forward time information to audio node
#229 opened by Juphex - 9
sound_play_node is died
#202 opened by yl-wang996 - 1
update dummy client for chords (two notes)
#190 opened by Juphex - 0