
A compiler for AP CS Principles Exam Reference Langugage (ACPERL)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


  • I dedicate this compiler to Mr. Richard P. Siewert, a great computer science teacher at McMillen High School, in Murphy, TX, who helped to further my computer science education, and was a very great Christian overall. He sadly passed away during the making of this program.


This is a compiler for the AP CS Principles Exam Reference Language (ACPERL), written in JavaScript. The ACPERL specification rev. 2017 is the property of the College Board, and can be found here on pages 118-124.

This program was based on the Super Tiny Compiler by Jamie Kyle (jamiebuilds).

How can I run this?

Here are some sample methods to run this code. However, don't claim it's yours in accordance with the license.

Method 0 - GitHub Pages

You can try it out here.

Method 1 - Download/Clone

You can download or clone it and run the HTML file.

Method 2 - Append

You can also try it on Code.org's App Lab or on JS Fiddle:

  1. Paste the JS file
  2. If on JS Fiddle, paste the HTML inside the <span> tags.
  3. Append the following, or something similar, to the JS:
Example Code
console.log(new Compiler(
  'a \u2190 +6 - --5\n' +
  'a \u2190 .6 + 4 * .9\n' +
  'IF (a = 42)\n' +
  '{\n' +
  'DISPLAY ("true")\n' +
  '}\n' +
  'ELSE\n' +
  '{\n' +
  'DISPLAY (a)\n' +
  '}\n' +
  'REPEAT 5 TIMES\n' +
  '{\n' +
  'DISPLAY ("HELLO")\n' +
  '}\n' +
  'REPEAT UNTIL (a = 3 OR a < 0)\n' +
  '{\n' +
  'a ← a - 1\n' +
  '}\n' +
  'DISPLAY (a)\n' +
  'PROCEDURE hello()\n' +
  '{\n' +
  'RETURN ("HELLO")\n' +
  '}\n' +
  'DISPLAY(hello())\n' +
  'ROTATE_RIGHT()\n' +
  'MOVE_FORWARD()\n' +
  'DISPLAY(CAN_MOVE("left"))\n' +
  'a \u2190 INPUT("WHAT IS A?")\n' +
  'DISPLAY(a)\n' +
  'a \u2190 [6, 3]\n' +
  'DISPLAY(a[1])\n' +
  'APPEND(a, -4)\n' +
  'FOR EACH item IN a\n' +
  '{\n' +
  'DISPLAY(item)\n' +
  '}\n' +
  'REMOVE(a, 0)\n' +
  'IF (LENGTH(a) = 2) {\n' +
  'DISPLAY(RANDOM(0, 1))\n' +
  '}\n' +
  'DISPLAY(a)', [
    [!window.document || window.document.getElementById("imageCanvas"),
      !window.document || window.document.getElementById("robotCanvas")
    ], window.prompt, true, [2, 3, [
        [1, 0.5, 0],
        [0, 0.5, 1]
      [0, 0]

Method 3 - Copypasta

Alternatively, you can go to JSFiddle and paste the JS file, and the HTML file inside the <body> tags.