A Neural Graph-based Local Coherence Model

Data and code for our paper

  title={A Neural Graph-based Local Coherence Model},
  author={Mesgar, Mohsen and Ribeiro, Leonardo FR and Gurevych, Iryna},
  booktitle={Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021},

File Tree

We recommend that you organize your files and name them like we did in the file tree

    ├── Experiments # model saved dir
    │   └── WSJ
    │        └── ours
    │              └── 2022_3_13_11_42
    │                           │── Epoch_3
    │                           └── log.out
    │── data
    │     │── GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin
    │     │── allen_cache
    │     │        │── elmo*.json
    │     │        └── elmo*.hdf5
    │     └── Dataset_Global
    │            │── *.py
    │            │── train_pos # 1240 postive samples
    │            │       │── wsj_0001.pos.text
    │            │       │── wsj_0002.pos.text
    │            │       └── ...
    │            │── train_neg # 1240*40 negative samples, each positive sample has 40 negative permuatations
    │            │        │── wsj_0001.pos.text_1
    │            │        │── wsj_0001.pos.text_2
    │            │        │── ...
    │            │        │── wsj_0002.pos.text_1
    │            │        │── wsj_0002.pos.text_2 
    │            │        └── ...
    │            │── dev_pos # 138 postive samples
    │            │── dev_neg # 138*40 negative samples
    │            │── test_pos # 1053 postive samples
    │            │── test_neg # 1053*40 negative samples
    │            │── EGrid.train_dev # Grid files for postive/negative samples in train and dev sets
    │            │          │── wsj_0001.pos.text.parsed.ner.EGrid 
    │            │          │── wsj_0001.pos.text.parsed.ner.EGrid-1
    │            │          └── ...
    │            │── EGrid.test # Grid files for postive/negative samples in test set
    │            │── Dataset
    │            │      │── train # 1240*40 postive-negative pairs
    │            │      │      │── wsj_0001.pos.text_1 
    │            │      │      │── wsj_0001.pos.text_2
    │            │      │      └── ...
    │            │      │── dev  
    │            │      │── test
    │            │      └── vocab # vocab list for train set
    │            │            │── Vocab
    │            │            │── word2idx
    │            │            └── idx2word 
    │            │── wsj.train # paths to grid files for positive samples in train set
    │            │── wsj.dev
    │            └── wsj.test
    │── fairseq 
    │── src 
    └── experiments_unified.py 

Getting Started

  • Install necessary dependencies listed in requirements.txt. Please note that if you fail to install torch-* (e.g. torch-scatter), run the following command
 >>> pip install torch-scatter==2.0.5 torch-sparse==0.6.7 torch-cluster==1.5.7 torch-spline-conv==1.2.0 torch-geometric==1.6.1  -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.6.0+cu101.html


  • Regard to WSJ license, we can't upload the raw data. You can contact us to seek dataset help.


  • You can run the following command to train our model, other parameters such as paths to datasts can be viewed in src/utils.py
>>> python  experiments_unified.py \
                                     --experiment_path  ./Experiments/WSJ/ours/ \
                                     --bilinear_dim 32 \
                                     --batch_size_train 1\
                                     --batch_size_test 1\
                                     --ELMo True


  • You can run run the following command to test our model. We have prepared a trained model under the folder Experiments/
>>> python  experiments_unified.py \
                                     --experiment_path  ./Experiments/WSJ/ours/ \
                                     --bilinear_dim 32 \
                                     --batch_size_train 1\
                                     --batch_size_test 16\
                                     --ELMo True \
                                     --only_eval True \
                                     --model_name  ./Experiments/WSJ/ours/2022_3_13_11_42/Epoch_3