- 0
SentenceTransformerTrainer reset global step around step 127421 with no warning message
#3145 opened by keeeeenw - 2
- 3
How to load ModernBERT model correctly?
#3141 opened by Hannibal046 - 7
SigLIP-style loss for better DDP
#3119 opened by kddubey - 1
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- 1
Differing behaviour with remote_code
#3140 opened by Alicimo - 3
- 3
How to avoid the long time waiting before start training?
#3133 opened by awmoe - 3
- 3
Batch sampler
#3123 opened by nguyenvannghiem0312 - 1
MSMARCO training with SentenceTransformersTrainer instead of deprecated training scripts
#3128 opened by sirCamp - 5
multiple negative for MNRL
#3139 opened by OnAnd0n - 1
- 1
import sentence_transformers出错
#3135 opened by qsuzer - 2
Inefficient loss calculation in cached losses
#3107 opened by Marcel256 - 5
- 6
CrossEncoder .rank condition error in
#3124 opened by saeeddhqan - 7
Changing Encoding Precision Yields error.
#3121 opened by NovaBro - 1
How to train a model with DDP for TSDAE
#3132 opened by OnAnd0n - 4
NanoBeirEvaluator takes in empty dataset
#3103 opened by JINO-ROHIT - 1
Core dumped in multi-cpu mode in container
#3120 opened by jsirex - 1
Cant train jina clip v2 due to CUDA out of memory error
#3113 opened by httplups - 4
- 1
- 4
Loading private model with `trust_remote_code=True` fails
#3115 opened by deklanw - 3
adding new tokens to tokenizer without disturbing the base models embedding weight metrics of tokens
#3116 opened by riyajatar37003 - 4
convert hugging face model to sentence transformer
#3117 opened by riyajatar37003 - 3
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- 0
Breaking change for module loading in PyLate
#3108 opened by NohTow - 3
OSError: all-MiniLM-L6-v2 is not a local folder and is not a valid model identifier listed on '
#3106 opened by mai1x9 - 3
When using the SentenceTransformer.encode() method, the CPU usage reaches 100%
#3091 opened by hello1534 - 4
Understanding how (hard) negatives in MNRL are used
#3097 opened by HenningDinero - 5
`CrossEncoder` is not pushed to cuda until predict is called, even if cuda is specified as device.
#3078 opened by susnato - 6
Error installing sentence-transformers with pip in Windows 10 pycharm professional-> Error: Dependencies conflicts most probobly
#3077 opened by Umais-Adeed - 2
NanoBeirEvaluator returns a mix of floats and numpy.float64 in the results.
#3093 opened by JINO-ROHIT - 1
- 1
Parse arguments with HfArgumentParser
#3090 opened by chocoded - 0
SentenceTransformer._first_module() and issues created with bespoke architectures
#3087 opened by slobstone - 2
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'SentenceTransformer' referenced before assignment
#3086 opened by riyajatar37003 - 2
- 24
In Batch Negatives
#3072 opened by riyajatar37003 - 2
Can't start training with a SentenceLabelDataset due to error `'SentenceLabelDataset' object has no attribute 'column_names'`
#3082 opened by HenningDinero - 5
Best way to log specific metrics e.g cross-entropy/accuracy during training
#3080 opened by HenningDinero - 3
query adapter native in training
#3084 opened by achibb - 4
- 2
Weights of models trained with TSDAE
#3067 opened by xboldt - 2
Deduplication integrated in CachedGISTEmbedLoss
#3063 opened by yjoonjang - 0
Add `normalize_embeddings` Argument to `SentenceTransformer` for Simplified Embedding Normalization
#3064 opened by AIMacGyver