- npx create-react-app
- tailwind css configure
- routing for login
- login form/ registr form
- form validation /useref
- authetication and firebase
- use redux for storing user data and passing to other component
- implemented signout feature
- TMDB register, get the APIKEY,fetch the api
- Movie Slice
- best practice : fetching data using custom hook
- videotitle component(suing movie slice data)
- videbackground (using fetching data from video api and getting id and extracting you tube video)
- handling trailer video trough redux store
- displaying trailer in background
- displaying all category of movies & making more custom hooks
- mutlilinguistic
- gpt feature added using open ai API KEY
- fetched gptMoviesSuggestions from TMDB
- swiper add on each movie card
- Header ui fixed
- beautiful error page
- asking user api key
- responsive(*)
- each card functionality ✔
- shimmer UI (*) ✔
- Error Handling ✔
- test user already present ✔
- gpt page css
login/sign up
- login /sign up(if not authenticated user)
- redirect to browse page
browse (after authenticated )
- header
- main movie
- trailer in ackground
- title and description
- movie suggestions
- movielist *n
netflix gpt
- search bar
- movie suggestion
- main video container
- video background
- video title
- secondary container
- movie list *n
- cards *n
ctrl+shift+v to run
- cards *n
- movie list *n
- main video container