Vue.js Components Basics

This repository is dedicated to the development of the project Component Basics, following the steps provided by the teacher and the Vue Fundamentals School.

Click Counter Task

Check List

  • All along, use as many emmet expressions as you can to speed up the edition
  • Set the initial HTML and load Vue from the CDN
  • Inside the app create the Vue app attached to the corresponding div element
  • Create a component click-counter using Vue.component
    • Add the data function that returns the object with the data.
    • Set the count
    • In the template add the v-on to increase the counter each time the button is clicked
  • Add in the app div of the HTML the component just created
  • Insert new instances of the component in the HTML
  • Move the template from the app.js to the HTML using a script tag
  • Instead of <script type= 'text/x-template' ...> try also to use the <template> HTML tag. Does it work?
  • No it does not work, working with templates and scripts is quite tricky in vue and html, everything i looked up on the internet was reffered to the work already done.
  • Add a second element, a paragraph the count is to the click-counter component

  • Wrap the two elements in a <div>

  • Move all the code from app.js to the HTML index.html

  • Add a prop with name click-title to the click-counter component so that instead of the fixed "the count is", the parent component can specify the prefix paragraph:

      <click-counter click-title="The first counter is:"></click-counter>
      <click-counter click-title="The second counter is:"></click-counter>
      <click-counter click-title="The Third counter is:"></click-counter>

    Read the section Prop Casing (camelCase vs kebab-case) of the Annotated Reading of the Essentials Section of the Vue.js Guide

    Leave your solution inside the files index.html and app.js.

  • I left the solution in the file Index.html, since there was a step required to copy all the content of app.js to index.html

Plan Picker Task

In this exercise you have to start from a HTML file that contains repeated <div class="plan"> like

      <div class="plans">
        <div class="plan">
          <div class="description">
            <span class="title">
              The Single

        <div class="plan">
          <div class="description">
            <span class="title">
              The Addict

and you have to factorize the code introducing a Vue.js component <plan>

Watch the videos

Here is the structure of the folder:

├── coffee.jpg
├── index.html
├── logo.png
├── solution-app.js
├── solution.html
└── style.css

Files plan-picker/solution.html and plan-picker/solution-app.js contain the final solution.

See the solution working at

Check List

  • Use a minimum number of emmet expressions to generate complete the initial index.html to have it as at the beginning of the video Reusable Components with Props. The structure to replicate three or four times has to follow this pattern:

          <div class="plans">
              <div class="plan">
                  <div class="description">
                      <span class="title">
                      The Single
              ...  more like the one above
  • Load Vue from the CDN and add the main app

  • Create the plan component that encapsulates the template above

  • Add it the prop with the name, interpolate it inside the component template and update the calls in the HTML accordingly for all the repetitions

  • Add to the Vue app data the plans array of Strings with the names of the plans

  • Substitute the repetitions of the <plan> component inside the HTML for a v-for loop

  • Specify that the prop name has to be of type String and is required

  • Create a component with name <plan-picker> to encapsulate the .plans div
  • Create the template for the component and move the plans array into the component
  • Make the plan component local to the plan-picker component
    • Check that a local component can not be used out of its scope
  • Make the plan-picker component local to the root component
    • Register first the component with the name planPicker and try to use it. What happens?
    • Change the name to plan-picker

We want to add the capability to select a plan. See how the solution works when you click in one of the plans. We want to reproduce this behavior,

  • Add a boolean variable selected to the plan component

  • Add a select method to the plan component to set the component as selected

  • Add the code so that when a user clicks on the root element of the plan component template the select method is called

    • We would have to use an event modifier.
  • Using the object syntax for v-bind add a class active-plan when a plan component is selected so that the background color of the button changes when selected, since the style.css contains the following:

    .plans .active-plan {
      border-color: #352001;
      background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right, white, #8F4401);

    See Class and Style Bindings in the Vue.js Guide

  • Verify that, unfortunately, the solution given permits several plans to be selected

  • We need to let the component communicate to its parent when the user has clicked on it. Make the plan component to $emit an event with name select and payload the nameof the plan

  • Check in the event tab of the Vue DevTools the presence of the events generated when you click

  • Inside the plan-picker component template set the triggering of a method selectPlan to fire when the select event is emitted.

  • Inside the plan-picker component add a data attribute selectedPlan to store the plan that was selected by the user

  • Add also the code for the selectPlan method

  • The idea is now that the parent plan-picker component will send the selected plan as a property to the children components.

    Go back to the plan component and remove the selected data property (it is no longer need, since the parent component now knows which plan has been selected)

  • Add a property selectedPlan to the plan component (that will be passed by the parent)

  • Add a computed property isSelected to the plan component that is true when the plan is the one selected

  • In the template of the plan component conditionally bind the class active-plan to the .plan div if the plan is selected

  • Inside the plan-picker-template pass the property selectedPlan to the children.

    • Be carefull that HTML attributes are case insensitive but the name of the plan attribute we choose inside the JavaScript code was selectedPlan (CamelCase) and so to write v-bind:selectedPlan="..." is not going to work. You have to use the equivalent kebab-case string

Skills Covered

After this lab, you'll be familiar with:

  • The idea behind components and how Vue.js components work
  • Component's template, and couple of ways to define your template
  • Communication between components with props and custom events
  • What is the difference between global and local component registration