This repository contains all the materials for a peer to peer tutorial on high performance computing (HPC) at University of Maryland developed by graduate fellows in the NSF-funded COMBINE fellowship.
You can find all the slide decks, tutorial information, and example code to help you get started using the HPC clusters at UMD. The workshop schedule and accompanying files are as follows:
Presentation 1 (~10 min): Introduction to Super Computers by Daniel Callow - SD1_IntroToHPCs.pdf
Breakout session 1 (~5 min): Small group discussions about what sort of projects would benefit from super computing
Presentation 2 (~10 min): Basics of parallelization by Dushyanthi Karunathilake - SD2_BasicsOfParallelization.pdf
Presentation 3 (~10 min): High performance computing resources at UMD by Phillip Alvarez - SD3_HPCsAtUMD.pdf
Breakout session 2 (~5 min): Get set up on the UMD HPC that you have access to via your school/department
Presentation 4 (~10 min): Getting started: Accessing & using your HPC by Junaid S Merchant - SD4_Presentations4-5.pdf
Presentation 5 (~15 min): Writing & submitting code with examples in MATLAB & R by Junaid S Merchant - SD4_Presentations4-5.pdf
Open Q and A session till 14:30
MatlabExample1_MonteCarloSimulation.m - Matlab Monte Carlo simulation example discussed in SD4_Presentations4-5.pdf - Bash wrapper for Matlab Monte Carlo simulation example discussed in SD4_Presentations4-5.pdf - A more general purpose wrapper that will run any standalone matlab script
MatlabExample3_FunctionUsingInputs.m - A Matlab function that requires input variables - Bash wrapper for matlab function that requires input - Example of an Array job which is an optimal way of parallelizing data processing (for things like parameter tuning) - Example Python script with SLURM options that run as is without a wrapper
RExample1.R - Example R script with SLURM options that run as is without a wrapper - Another example of an array job using free surfer (structural MRI software)
SuperComputingwSLURM_MethodsSeminarPresentation_20190301.pdf - Another presentation I did on UMD HPCs that has a lot more details about the different slurm commands
IntroductionToSupercomputing_BHG2019.pdf - A more general purpose presentation on HPCs that discusses the syntax of other job scheduling software I did for brainhack: